Deimos Mig29 Discussion Thread

Guys this is a mig thread and like the last 15 messages bar one are about a different aircraft

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Sorry man. I will make onther thread about the development of the JAS-39, if thatĀ“s okey for you @DeimoS987


Sure no problem for me, just remember to respect the rules of the forum and good luck :slight_smile:


Glad to hear that! After some thinking though I have decided to wait making a new topic till the JAS-39 is released for MSFS and the marketplace. Will be more suitable then if I make a topic before itĀ“s release.

Iā€™m really enjoying the MiG-29. Thank you.

Is there a keyboard / sim command we can map to the HUD day/night toggle switch?

Apologies if this is the wrong place to askā€¦

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There is a knob to select day/night vision for hud :wink:

Thanks. Yes, I am using that.

I would like to map it to a physical control in my cockpit.
Sorry my question was not clearer.
I do understand that aircraft builders donā€™t map every function to a sim function, but on behalf of people who fly in a physical cockpitā€¦ I like to encourage that practice!

The aircraft is so immersive when using physical switches and just the HUD view (F/A/18 in this example):

Yeahā€¦ at the moment the hid is set with a local variableā€¦ iā€™ll see what can i do woth the next updateā€¦ if iā€™ll be able to, iā€™ll check wich variable is using the mig and set the same one

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Thank you!

Iā€™ve been experiencing issues with the Mig 29 and SU57. Both aircraft have an area where they donā€™t allow me to start the aircraft. The Mig 29 usually has the fuel pumps switches or master ignition not allow to me to select them for startup. The SU57 quits at the starter switches on the right side of the cockpit. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling both aircraft and they repeated the issues. Other jets in game still work as they should which furthers my confusion of why the Mig 29 and SU57 arenā€™t currently working properly. They worked in the past and only recently started experiencing these issues.

Sorry for delay!
Yes i know unfortunately as usual the su has created problems, i was focused on the release of the new plane, now i am working to fix all the older planes
Sorry again


It sounds like that the Gripen is in the marketplace test phaseā€¦when can we expect the release for Xbox? Thankyou.

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The GRIFFIN G39 will be available for both Pc and XboX

Griffin G39 ?? Please could you build an Assault Raffael?

Please remember that this topic is to discuss the Deimos MIG 29. :+1:
Thank you!

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Just noticed somethingā€¦ You can no longer use the red lever close to the throttle to jettison the two wingtip tanks? It was working before now it doesnā€™t.

Yes, the tanks are empty :smiley:

Hi again,
I finally got around to making some videos of the fun Iā€™m having in the Deimos MiG-29.

[Playlist: MiG-29 over Kosovo](https://PL3T9aMILZQ2wDhxm4_9MM-AHFgyer4cLE

Gallery here: Gallery

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Amazing! Thanks!

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You have to set a control or key command to

ā€œHOLD THROTTLE REVERSE THRUSTā€ in the sim Controls Options.

Glad you liked it.

Iā€™ll take the opportunity to ask you make a post-it-note at your development / test center:

ā€œThose cockpit builder guys like everything in the aircraft to be mapped to a sim functionā€

Even if itā€™s a workaround like the brake chute / reverse thrustersā€¦ doesnā€™t matter. It all adds to the joy we get from toggling a real switch!

Looking forward to the Gripen/Griffin!