Deimos Mig29 Discussion Thread

The sound palette of this MiG is MiG-nificent! … if somewhat difficult to capture on video.

It really deserves a subwoofer as not many headphones can reproduce the frequency range.

The sound could be better tbh. Right now it’s practically a copy paste of the game’s Super Hornet. I’m hoping Deimos will give it its own unique real life sound soon.


Not sure what was in the new patch.
Roll behaviour changed a little?
Anyway it still flies great!

MiG-29 Flight test at Lennox Head: Video

Oh the MIGs been updated? Does it automatically update for beta users too on Xbox?

I wonder if they’ve improved the jet roar.

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: New Release: Deimos Su-57 Felon in Marketplace

Hello I wanted to know if it is possible to have a 2D paint kit thanks

Sure ! please write me via Pm and i’ll send you the paintKit …

I encountered problems with your Mig29 the autopilot panel does not work as well as the APU under the battery button does not go the plane got it on the game Marketplace greetings and thanks

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Looking at the CFD in the latest MiG-29 update

And landing afterwards… I owe that guy a beer

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Thanks Bro

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The patch for the mig 29 releaseed today absolutely destroys the flight mechanics on this craft, it wont turn now or roll for ■■■■ and is almost unflyable.

The roll rate has slowed for sure but it is still eminently flyable (see my videos).

All developers are learning as they go with the new CFD models. In fact the whole CFD concept in MSFS is still very much WIP.

Nope, not here. Flying absolutely fine. Check your controller inputs in the settings.

At the start of many flights, plane is half sunk into the runway and then the flight ends before I can even power up. Only mig 29 doing this and not at every single airport.

Not sure if this is a bug in the simulator or the plane


Investigating… sorry for that, i have report only on xbox x with this problem, and i am trying to understand what is the problem and how to fix it

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So guys, sorry for that i am working to fix the problem regarding the plane under the ground.

It’s a very strange issue because this is not affecting all the players but just some of you.

Of course this is not acceptable, so i am checking everything from scratch to find the solution.

As i said, the problem is that this is not happening to every one, and ofcourse…. I have not this problem so is a mess… but i fund someone that has it and that is helping me to check that.

So sorry, hope to give you all good news asap

Well… maybe the fact that i wrote the previous message was a good thinks… i think that i found the issue…

Performing some additional tests with my testers and i’ll release soon the new update, so sorry again for that

@DeimoS987 Can you please check something:
When starting the plane after starting one of the engines I can no longer move the switch to start the second engine, several switches in the cockpit get stuck once the first engine is started.
With both engines off I can move the switch to the left or right normally.

I wanted to see where the updated Mig-29 ranked in the Canyonball Run.
Previous ranking #5.

I gave the F-15C #4 a huge head start, didn’t matter

I then tested it against the previously ranked #4 Eurofighter, also giving it a significant head start.

F-22 vs Mig 29

Not even the SU-57 Felon is as fast/agile as the Mig-29

Mig-29=Fastest and Most Agile Jet in MSFS 2020 (currently)

That’s a funny looking Eurofighter.