Deimos Mig29 Discussion Thread

Used the SU57 for a birds eye perspective. Eurofighter is seen throughout.

@DeimoS987 Whatā€™s your next aircraft???

Certainly notā€¦ You can barely roll it at low altitudes and high speeds. Try the f-16 or f-35 with fbw switched off.

@DeimoS987 thereā€™s a big in all your aircraft when you hit the command to go full throttle plus AB the aircraft goes full, throttles back automatically by about 15% or so and then goes to full 100%. Ruins takeoffs!

By all means, stay under 3400 entire time with the f16(10th fastest/agile) and post the video evidence.

Do you think i just randomly make this up?

11th=F14 dcd
9th=F-4 Phantom
8th=F-18 dcd
6th=Jas Gripen
4th=Eurofighter cjs
3rd=F-22 Top Mach

I can also inform you, that in real life, the F-16 can fly a reported little over mach 2. In the simulator, the F-16 is one of the few aircraft that matches the reported real life top speed. I can tell you in real life, the Mig-29 is reported to fly faster than the F-16, with a reported top speed of 2.13 mach.

2.13 > 2.03, so therefor, in real life, the Mig-29 is faster than the F-16. Do you disagree with this? Why?
In the simulator, I can tell you I have tested the top speeds, including after the update, and I can confidently tell you, that the Mig-29 in the simulator, can also fly faster than the F-16, as it is supposed to. (2.09 compared to 2.03)

Here, you are encouraged to analyze this video to tell me where I could have gone faster:

It should be noted I fly all aircraft under the same parameters: lowest amount of fuel needed for that particular aircraft, first person only, hard settings(overstress on, crashes on), same altitude parameters for all aircraft throughout the course, and specific barrel rolls all done the same parts of the course.

My guess is, even if you fly in 3rd person, with easy mode on, you will not come close to matching what the Mig-29 did, but since you are the one disagreeing, and I have already provided my video evidence, I look forward to the evidence you will supply in your counter reply. Iā€™m always open to learn something new.

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Surprise as usual!
Youā€™ll see soon!
To release it in october!

Great work on the comparisons, very entertaining!


How to switch out the Russian pilot Avatar?
I only see the default pilot