After the latest update. I had the same loading problems as others. Run as admin didn’t work. Double click worked for a while. Then stopped. Finally I uninstalled it. Trying to re-install . In the Download queue shows (3)
MSFS Premium Deluxe
Error See details Code 0x803FB107
Digital Ownership
Error See Details Code 0x80070424
I did exactly the same thing, now it won’t start. At least you have a couple of different error codes. All three of mine are showing 0x80073D26. Tried to get Tech Support at Microsoft Store involved, but after 30 minutes of a Contact circular runaround, I decided there is no way to contact a human in Microsoft. There are probably only 10 people in the whole company and they’re having coffee and donuts or in the middle of divorce proceedings… This prob;em has been going around since mid-September at least and no apparent solution in sight…
You could give the forum search a try before opening a new thread.
Entering the code “0x80070424” returns already a bunch of discussions with hints and workarounds for you to try:
I had exactly same error messages. It is link to a bad synchonisation between Xbox app and microsoft marketplace. The issue was resolved by Microsoft after 4 hours of works. Finaly they have desinstalled xbox app from my PC, repared Windows 10, reinstall it again and now it works.
You should contact Microsoft support if you do resolve your issue with xbox app.
This is NOT the problem at all, the problem lies in people not installing the latest KB optional updates on windows update itself, install that and your problems are solved
Have this problem with every major update, my plain MSFS was a SN purchase with one email address, my Premium update done through the Store with another email address.
Big mistake.
Remedy is repeated - random - logout and login of my two different email accounts, until - randomly - the Standard version ‘finds’ the Premium update correctly at the MSFS startup login.
I read problems like this can be - randomly - solved by MS customer service, or not. Still need to contact them, begging.
I have every Quality Update (KBs) available installed going back to November of 2020 and the Gaming Services, as well as The Sim and Digital Ownership fail with the same error. Have to disagree with you, your solution doesn’t work for me. Getting a Microsoft Tech Support person might be a solution, but I can’t find a way to contact one…
on their support website there is a windows requesting Microsoft to call you back. Click on it let you phone number. Microsoft call me back 5 min later
Ummm, sorry. What support website? The Windows Support website I have is a practically endless loop of AI driven contact options, none of which lead me to a ‘Have Microsoft call you back’ option… Thanks for the help…
Thanks, Steve. An earlier post from Quickniq suggested an even earlier post which involved Gaming Services Advanced Options, Terminate, Repair, Reset, Reboot, MS Store Update apps . The d****d is now up and running although the updates in the store reported that same old error. I’m going to take advantage of the opportunity and fly for an hour or two. As soon as I dig my yoke, quadrant and rudder pedals out of the trash. I hope for the best, expect the worst. Para Bellum…
The delete of the two H_KEYs is going around in several places. It seems to work for some, allowing Gaming Services to update and install. Other people, myself included, find that it doesn’t work at all. The fix that I mentioned above:
worked in some bizarre way, allows my to use the game again, but in MS Store, Flight Sim and Gaming Services still show failures with that cryptic error code. I’m not sure there is anybody at Microsoft that knows what it is exactly, some kind of WTF? catchall… For the moment I’m just gonna leave sleeping dogs lie. Thanks for the tip, though!
After several days trying everything posted. I finally have FS2020 working again.
The following are still listed in the MS Store My Library. Microsoft Flight Simulator is listed as Launch.
I don’t know if the Premium Deluxe is installed. I’m afraid to touch anything. Since I have a working FS2020. My Community folder is empty. I don’t know if I can start moving some of my addons over one at a time. Does anyone have any thoughts?
Thank You.
Happy Camper for now!
Bill McCracken
MSFS Premium Deluxe
Error See details Code 0x803FB107
Digital Ownership
Error See Details Code 0x80070424
Exactly the same situation, slightly different error codes (probably meaningless, generated by a random number generator LOL!). I’ve added WT add-ons (G1000 and Bonanza Improvement) and it’s still working although the G1000 has some peculiarities. Those peculiarities are why I reinstalled and lost the game. Now that it’s back, I just have different peculiarities . Oh well… If there’s a 100% positive solution to this issue that’s affecting a lot of people, I still don’t know what it is…
Can anyone tell me how confirm that I have Premium Deluxe version? Depending on where I look. I get conflicting information. Is there some place in the game that has the installed version information. Below is one source. Another says it’s installed. FS2020 is running fine. As I slowly had apps to the community folder.
MSFS Premium Deluxe
Error See details Code 0x803FB107