Deleting Dune Mandatory Content and others

Hi, without realising what was I installed this madatory content, is there anyway I can remove it as I cannot see it in the Content Manager, I have no desire to fly an insect!, plus is there other content I can delete without risk, I only fly IFR so training aids, bush trips and the like are of no interest to me. Thanks.


Hi @CardRocket70431,
This content wasnā€™t mandatory. If you didnā€™t download it from the Markeplace, you do not have it installed. If you did download from the marketplace, you can remove it from the Content Manager.


Hi, I have looked throughout the Content Manager and i can see it.

Sorry, that should read cant see it

Well it would seem I have not dowloaded it, so all good, would still like know what can be deleted from the sim without comprimising it totaly.

If you havenā€™t installed it, tight now you should only have a Marketplace listing for it, which you can choose not to install and youā€™re good to go. You canā€™t remove the marketplace listing since thatā€™s server-side, same with any other official addons.

I should say that to my knowledge there werenā€™t things added to the core sim to support this addon, but Iā€™m not positive of that. There was a 28 or so MB update I remember getting prior to installing the Dune stuff optionally, but I suspect that was generic nav data as small random updates tend to be nav data.

In general though, you can uninstall any content thatā€™s listed in the Content Manager, provided you understand many third party freeware addons utilize files from that content, thus you may end up with addons broken or crashing the sim.

Lastly (4th edit, I really need to pause more before clicking Save Edit), I have heard that some base game content that users removed was re-downloaded. Iā€™m not sure why that happens or even how often it happens.

Iā€™m guessing that a lot of people (not saying CardRocket is one of them) saw the new splash screens at the same time as the small update that came down and assume that what was downloaded was the Dune content itself. That, or they believe that they should be able to deinstall the small update that came down to restore their old splash screens.


Oh, good point. I bet that splash screen was part of the mandatory update prior to launching. I donā€™t know if you can safely remove or change splash screens though.

You can, but it requires some work behind the scenes. One of those ā€œdo this at your own riskā€ things.

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I have uninstalled all Training, Bush and Discovery flights as well as areas i will never fly in.
Just input these kewords in search bar of Content Manager with Installed box ticked.
Also choose sort by size at top of screen to see their size.
Saved a couple of hundred GBits.


And without any issues?

Iā€™ve been deleting training, bush, and discovery flights for years with no issues. Up until a few updates ago, MSFS would reinstall them with each update, but that hasnā€™t happened to me for awhile.


I have deleted the Dune Content, however the splash screens are annoyingly still present, oh dear, oh dear Asobo, what were you thinking of when you put together this mechanical monstrosity, did you assume that the majority of simmers who spend hours each and every day planning their flightplans, calculating the loads, weights, fuel burns, enroute winds and weather would be interested in this Bug, I think not?. I have no idea how long this took to produce and code this, plus the cost, I cant help but feel that the time and effort would of been better spent on fixing issues, ie cloud pixellation for one example, I cant help but think that this was churned out for the benefit of the X-Box guys, perhaps I am wrong, ask yourself this, if MSFS had remained only a PC platform would Asobo still have produced Dune???.


Where is this content manager? I want to get rid of this dunes program very much. I did not see anywhere that is what not mandatory. I assumed it was an improvement. It is not.

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From the main MSFS menu/screen, click on the ā€œProfileā€ tab. Then below that is a tile for ā€œContent Managerā€.


Do some splash screens really bother you that much?
If you didnā€™t install it from the marketplace, itā€™s not in your sim, so other than the splash screens, thereā€™s nothing on your system.

And yes, it would have been added as well if it was PC only, itā€™s a movie tie-in after all, and probably generated some revenue for MS. Iā€™m generally a fairly ā€˜seriousā€™ bush flyer/GA pilot, but I very much enjoyed the Dune content. Iā€™ll probably uninstall it again after doing all the little missions.

Another thing to keep in mind is that they have separate teams working on separate parts of the sim. The graphical artists that mostly created this addon are likely not people you want working on the bugs/issues you mentioned.


No issues at all.

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The dunes add on has to be loaded by user from the marketplace - if you didnt load it yourself then it wont be loaded (!).Only the start up splash screens showing dune photos appear with the update.


During startup the Dunes update automatically installed, not the addon. I went to the addon manager and it was available for install 4.27 GB so I installed it from there. Now my controls are frozen.
Xbox X, keyboard and mouse, Xbox controller, and Hotas One.

I cannot change any controllers and a none are highlighted.

100% agree with you.
All the movement to marketing so bizarre collaboration to grab money is so much absorbed for me.
I am an MSFS fan and I was flying with FSX before it is so annoying even to see it in the splash screen.

My recommendation this collab can be in the XBOX or other joystick console but not on PC.
If the game continues this movement, we will prefer to fly on prepar3d or Xplan.