Deleting Dune Mandatory Content and others

What it did to my Xbox X was install the Dunes screens without me doing anything including the Activities and remapping my controls including my Xbox controller default settings where additional controls were added for a “rotocoptor”.
It also changed my Hotas key bindings. I have a ticket with support and here are my comments.


Having given all this another thought I remember more about what happened during the boot up of the MSFS sim and the install of the Dunes update.

It appears that the update was “hard coded” into the Xbox MSFS because the Dunes images started appearing where before images of prior Microsoft scenery updates would show. I think this is the root cause of my issues and happened without the Dunes dlc being installed. I confirmed this by going into “Missions” and the Dunes missions are in there.

I also looked at the default bindings on the Xbox controller with my keyboard/mouse and Hotas disconnected and discovered additional bindings were added for the Dunes rotocopter (I think that is what they are called???).

It appears that with the additional bindings added the default was corrupted. I went to the “all” bindings and scrolled through and there were numerous duplicates.

Having given all this another thought I remember more about what happened during the boot up of the MSFS sim and the install of the Dunes update.

It appears that the update was “hard coded” into the Xbox MSFS because the Dunes images started appearing where before images of prior Microsoft scenery updates would show. I think this is the root cause of my issues and happened without the Dunes dlc being installed. I confirmed this by going into “Missions” and the Dunes missions are in there.

I also looked at the default bindings on the Xbox controller with my keyboard/mouse and Hotas disconnected and discovered additional bindings were added for the Dunes rotocopter (I think that is what they are called???).

It appears that with the additional bindings added the default was corrupted. I went to the “all” bindings and scrolled through and there were numerous duplicates.

This happened to me,

Having given all this another thought I remember more about what happened during the boot up of the MSFS sim and the install of the Dunes update.

It appears that the update was “hard coded” into the Xbox MSFS because the Dunes images started appearing where before images of prior Microsoft scenery updates would show. I think this is the root cause of my issues and happened without the Dunes dlc being installed. I confirmed this by going into “Missions” and the Dunes missions are in there.

I also looked at the default bindings on the Xbox controller with my keyboard/mouse and Hotas disconnected and discovered additional bindings were added for the Dunes rotocopter (I think that is what they are called???).

It appears that with the additional bindings added the default was corrupted. I went to the “all” bindings and scrolled through and there were numerous duplicates.

Since this update, my joystick controls have been modified and MSFS lags miserably. Help, it’s a horror without a name!

I have been flightsimming since FS 1. And I am surprised at the emotions about the Dune Expansion. Really, this simulation game has room for everyone and every plane: If you like GA, then choose flying GA. If you like to fly an spaceship, then do so. But nobody forces you to do something you don’t like. You do not have to buy something you do not like.
In FSX, the predecessor of MSFS2020, there were at the end not only many different planes, but also all kind of spaceships, spaceshuttles, futuristic heli’s, drivable cars and boats… So, nothing new then. Relax and enjoy the sim.


MSFS has always been a simulation of real life flight. Dune is a fictional game and does not belong in MSFS. I am too very disappointed to spoil the long time image of real life flight sim.


It’s just a game.


Lol. I remember the add-ons for the X-Wing from Star Wars and such back in the days of FS98.


I mean this is the 3rd “silly” addon MSFS has picked up and people still talk like they think it’s something other than it is. A game.

The “realism” of this game/sim is quite subjective. We’ve all seen downloadable apps that allow you to tweak your settings to not have to deal with various aspects of actual flight. You can set the realism from high all the way down to arcade style. You can download the USS Enterprise, cars, and even flying cookies, for goodness sake.

If you don’t want to download the Dune content, then don’t download it. I think the real problem that some of you have is that you’re forced to see the Dune-mobiles when the sim starts. Apparently the masses who don’t post here either love the Dune splash screens or they couldn’t care less about them, because MS hasn’t pulled them yet.

C’mon guys, it’s just another day in paradise for us.


Waaaaiiiiiit a minute … where do I get the NCC-1701 USS Enterprise for MSFS???

I pass on Halo and Dune stuff too, buuuut I would go for the Enterprise, :smile: considering that it travelled back in time and was intercepted by an F-104.

Although not mentioned here, I would even download Godzilla for MSFS, since it was also intercepted by JSDF F-104’s. So, there is some room for fantasy stuff. I personally don’t install the current fantasy stuff offered, but I do believe there is room for it. Especially since all it means is that there are a few more ultra performance Bonanza’s flying around. I can accept that while playing this GAME. :grin:

I would also purchase/download a Jurassic Park/World scenery to explore the scale of dinosaurs in VR. :+1:


This is the whole thing, its what you want it to be.

I’ve never (goong back to FS9 and earlier) understood folks getting those ultra detailed AC and having to perform the duties of 3 or more crew.

But I flew heavy metal quite a bit back then, just had to find the AC that took a more stock (stock+ really) approach leaving cabin pressure and other details out of the picture.

To each their own.

That said, I do find the Dune ads during loading a bit much, especially after the 50th time seeing the same 3 images. But as a new comer whos never seen different, I expect something new and equally tiresome will come along eventually.


I just don’t get all the fuss, what’s the harm? If it adds more users, brings in more money, potentially leads to further enhancements in terrain, systems and interaction then surely it’s all good?

You can still single handedly fly a three crew aircraft in real time if you want and stick to the ‘it’s a simulation’ vibe and totally ignore the rest, it’s not affecting you. And if a couple of static image loading screens really bother you that much then go and make a coffee whilst it’s loading, they won’t be there forever.


For sure it’s “only” a business/marketing related game extension.
No customer knows what was agreed between Microsoft and the film studio in the background. It’s not meant to upset anyone. Ultimately, it does not affect the actual gaming experience of the simulator. In this respect, see it relaxed.

I have to say that I totally agree with Richard 3009, it should not be here, and I have to argue the statement " its just a game", well for those who just fly light aircraft admiring the pretty scenery of tree’s, lakes, cities and harbours, or a jet fighter at low level thundering through the welsh hillside then I suppose it is a game.
But there are those of us, who like me take their time on the Sim seriously, we plan our flights realistically as the current tools currently allow, i.e Routes, Etops, Nat Tracks, Pacot’s, Weight and Balance, Fuel, Weather, Winds en route, Alternates and so forth.
Granted MSFS is very different to X-Plane, X-Plane is a simulator, but all of the above is used in both formats, so I would consider MSFS to be a simulator too, perhaps to a lesser degree, but a simulator too.

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I’ve made a topic for this in the wishlist fourteen days ago. Only one vote . . .

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I would counter that with Microsoft put this out there to be a game (as noted in the GotY edition image above) with simulation aspects. Those of you going the more hardcore simulation route are doing so by adding in 3rd party features to turn it into more of a simulator than originally designed. So you can’t really complain that MS has gamified the software while at the same time simify it yourself.

Please keep this thread on topic and constructive folks. :slight_smile:

The MSFS Team :airplane:



together with stuff from Star Wars and Battlestar Galactica

I’m really wondering what I can no longer do with the simulator or game that I could do before the Dune expansion addon came out?
If I want more space on my hard drive, then I simply uninstall the addon in the content manager.

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