Hi, I’m only interested in 2 or 3 of the stock aircraft.
I’d like to get rid of all the others and all of their related lessons, challenges, etc. and regain the HD space for some 3rd party add-ons instead.
Is there a safe way to do that?
Thanks in advance, best regards.
You can simply delete them in the “Official” folder. Some of the planes (TBM, C172, A320, Bonanza, etc) are used as AI planes. So if you delete them, they will no longer appear as AI traffic
Sure is…
When MSFS released, I was like a Kid in a Candy Store.
I wanted EVERYTHING that was on the shelf marked FREE,and I took it all and installed it.
Then I found I was not feeling well, neither was my PC, TOO MUCH candy.
So I removed everything I was not using - airlines, Non USA airports, Missions, etc etc, and “slimmed down”.
I am not going to say the Sim ran any better, but it defiantly did not run any worse.
How did you remove those?
Did you simply delete them from the “Official” folder?
NO !!! I would not do that, as it may/will confuse MSFS
Use the CONTENT MANAGER, and select the ones you want to remove there, and let MSFS remove them.
I think some need to stay, even if the are disabled to be fully functioning, because there are some items in there other items require.
In any case, (far safer and easier) to just us the CONTENT MANAGER, and let that control what you have installed.
That’s why it’s called “Content Manager”
Simply deleting is a bad idea IMO, because the sim will most likely reload all those manually deleted items.
I’ve used the content manager to delete all the missions, airport and aircraft I don’t need.
OK, thank you very much for all the answers.
Some last questions, though:
- The Content Manager will warn me against deleting something actually required?
- Once deleted, won’t they be downloaded back automatically?
- Will I actually regain the HD space (which is my main goal, in fact)?
Thanks in advance, best regards.
- You simply can’t delete anything required.
- No. The content manager says in this case something like ‘download available’
- YES! Updating (and most likely loading) will be faster as well.
My official folder size is presently less than 85GB.
No it won’t as long as you delete the whole folder. The Content Manager registers it as missing and offers you to re-downdload it.
Thank you very much for all the answers, everything looks clear now.
OK, I finally managed to delete ALMOST all my unwanted aircraft, lessons, challenges, etc from the Content Manager, and apparently all went OK, including the HD space saving.
There’s only one weird detail left: I can’t delete the Daher TBM930 or the Cessna 152 (non-aerobat) because they don’t show in the Content Manager, this despite the fact that they’re both in my hangar and my Official folder, and working fine.
I think I’ve read you somewhere else saying that these two airplanes “were never part of the Content Manager”, is that so?
OTOH, I keep reading people suffering from a variety of problems, which lead them to have ONLY those same two airplanes in their Content Managers.
What’s the matter with those two, then? Are they cursed or something?
Some airports can’t be deleted either. Those not avialable in the content manager are apparently required.
Removing these folders manually may cause serious problems or even cause MSFS to not launch at all.
Anyhow, can you confirm that’s the case with the c152 and tbm930?
They’re not part of the Content Manager (and never were) because they should never be deleted?
Thanks in advance, best regards.
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