Dev Mode: Landmarks / POI with Giant Spheres flying


Did anyone try to add landmarks POI and got this issue?

My POIs show perfectly fine. Have you tried filling in the name in the properties window? (because I see it’s empty)

Ok, I noticed that the spheres seem indeed from the POI debug in dev mode, however, if I disable the POI in Dev mode, I close it and fly, I don’t see the pins for the landmarks. If I open MSFS again, same no pins. They only show when POI is checked in Dev mode and with the Spheres.

I have all the names / labels for the POI entered in the Properties.

Also, the landmarks POI show on the World Map with the labels.

Of course, I have the POI option enabled in the Assistance menu of MSFS.

I think there’s a conflict between dev mode Show POI options and the actual scenery here. I don’t know why this happened but something is not making the Pins show in sim mode.

You will not see your changes you made in the dev mode until you build the package and put the package in your community folder.

So, once you placed your POIs, build the package in the inspector window.
Then in MyFSProjects, go to your new mod folder, and copy the folder in ‘Packages’ to your community folder.

I think the creation of personal POIs (ie not meant to share with anyone) should be made easier without needing to go into the SDK. You could vote for this here: Add custom POI

This is exactly what I did for the package as I did for other projects. I am familiar with this process in the dev mode but something else is making the pins not showing.

However now, I have a bigger issue, MSFS crashes to desktop if I load a scenery BGL in the Scenery Editor for all projects.

The same happened to me: suddenly spheres were shown on the screen (without doing nothing strange)

It wss enough to deselect POI from the Debug display in the Dev mode menu: I suppose for some strange reason the system selected it automatically

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