Development of sim skunk works LOCKHEED TF-FRF-104 G

Suddenly, I also experienced the tendency to roll right. It’s probably because of this:

Not sure why there is difference between tanks. I refueled only via app.


+1 on that.

Sorry… APC?

The gauge on the right side just above the right console, it’s basically an AoA gauge. It was a system designed to avoid excessive pitch up.

Thanks. I kind of figured it was a reference to AOA, but what does APC stand for?

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Automatic Pitch Control. Increasing AOA somewhere around 3.5 units and above would trigger the stick shaker, and if not corrected and AOA still allowed to increase would then trigger the “kicker” which would shove the stick forward, protecting you from a super stall/pitch up condition. You could disable it by switching it off on the left panel if you wanted to live (more) dangerously.

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100 pounds of asymmetric fuel transfer should not be enough to make a roll, however should be easily adjusted with trim.

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But it is. When Tip tanks were finally empty, aircraft flew perfectly straight. What I was asking why that asymmetric load even happened. That was not my first flight and this was first time it happened.

guess it could happens if you flight with left bank more than right, fuel go from right more fast and opposite, if cross work not right, ff will depend of g vector, if you flight horizon all time, i have no idea

Yeah, that seems correct. I actually did some banking before that happened :slightly_smiling_face: Never thought this thing would be simulated.


All the more reason to port the autopilot into this model! Maintains heading and level flight regardless of small imbalances.

Like I said, the two seater has no AP.

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I’ve been flying it daily since it released and I’ve never seen this uneven draining of the tips so that’s really odd. Do you by chance have any hardware mapped to tank select commands? Just throwing ideas out there.

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Bend the rules a bit! :smiley:

I’m really enjoying the aircraft but for some reason rolling to the right is completely bugged, it stops mid turn and doesn’t take the input correctly, any Idea on how to fix this?

It’s an acknowledged bug due to be fixed in a patch, not sure when that arrives though. For the meantime just limit your input for rolling right, since the damping effect kicks in at about middle of the range of the control. At least this is my experience.


we have to simulate fuel transfer from external tanks to internal using a flip-flop circuit, so it can happen that frame rate drops can make it asymmetric a little bit.


It’s a bug on aileron limiters, now fixed in the next version.


More than one user complains about the “glued” effect during the take-off run, remember that the right technique for take-off is:

  • Calculate lift-off speeds pending on GW
  • set trim in take-off position (green light)
  • anticipate nose lift-off by 15-20 KIAS before take-off speed
  • be smooth
  • do not overspeed landing gear (260 KIAS)
  • rise flaps to UP as convenient pending on your load