Did Asobo include a Steam Gauge C172 in the Premium Deluxe version of the sim on Xbox? Yes or no?
I have the Premium Deluxe version on Xbox, and have never seen or had access to the Steam Gauge C172. No, I am not forgetting to install it from the content manager. I am saying it doesn’t exist anywhere on the sim for me. It exists as much as the F35 that Xbox users also don’t have access to.
My follow up question is: WHY do Xbox users not get the Steam Gauge version of the C172? Did Asobo just forget to put it in the sim? Is there another reason? Why is no one talking about this?
I play on Series X and flew the steam gauge 172 earlier today. Not sure why it isn’t showing up for you. I have seen some people missing planes when playing on cloud streaming, if that’s how you’re playing. If not then I genuinely don’t know.
Yes. The content manager is fully up to date. These are the only 3 Cessna 172s I’ve ever had access to in the sim since launch. All have the G1000 glass cockpit with no apparent way to select a steam version.
I have premium deluxe and it has G530/430 Combo and G1000 models, no Steam ONLY model. I am not even sure that there is one being made at this time either.
The Premium and Deluxe packs are like the world update packs. They don’t get installed by default.
Go to the marketplace and ensure you actually have the Premium and Deluxe packs installed. They don’t get installed by default, even if you have the PD edition. They need to be installed separately.
I’m not sure what “Steam only” would mean, according to this definition. Previous versions of MSFS included a Bendix King radio stack. It wasn’t a fancy Garmin with screens, but there was still an audio panel, radios, nav, and an autopilot.
There is a Wishlist topic for bringing back that version of the aircraft, here, if interested:
I don’t see the Deluxe upgrade. That’s what the steam 172 comes with. If you don’t see it installed, go to the MARKETPLACE and download the Deluxe pack.
If you don’t have it available in the marketplace, then it means:
a. You only bought the Premium Edition, and not Premium Deluxe
b. You have an issue you need to take up with Microsoft.
Old chart, dated from August 2020 launch. One thing to check - next to each Package is a hamburger (three dot) icon. That lets you enter the Package and only install specific content instead of defaulting to installing the whole thing. Try that, see if you can locate the Analog gauge Skyhawk.
Yes, I am positive. My only other thought would be to go to the storage manager on your Xbox, find flight sim, and make sure everything is installed in there.
Looks like you have a bone to pick with MS over this. You’ll unfortunately need to file a zendesk ticket and hope it gets looked at and dealt with sometime between now and the heat death of the universe. Sorry dude. Wish I could be of more help.