Differential braking seemingly gone in the 172 with the new soft gear features (fixed in

personally - todays update has fixed the issue. (
Left and right brakes acts as I would expect. …press left, left brake applies and plane yaws to the left. This and the ground affect seem to be pretty good in my opinion.
Hopefully models wil get updated!


Same for me fortunately! Good to have it as before.


I can agree that differential brakes do work, altough i find they slide weirdly sideways when looked from close range at the outside. but it is good to see they are working
I give :+1:


Just tried myself also and yep can works for me also! Ground handling feels really good right now, even in really strong winds im finding it to be nice and predictable to control and maintain centerline. Well done Asobo!


Fixed by basically disabling the new ground contact in the current version??

ground_new_contact_model_up_to_speed_lateral_steering = 0.1 ; default = 1.0, feet per seconds, speed up to which the new contact model will be used, above we revert to the legacy contact model (longitudinal friction)

It now feels like it did before the beta, and all the “stickyness” is gone. Now its back to turning into even the slightest crosswind. :man_shrugging:


If thats the case it does seem a bit silly. I still think the crosswind behavior is much better compared to what we had before. I was actually able to keep it controlled without skidding all over the place and in strong winds… That was a clown fiesta before.

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It really is better, for instance I modified my Cirrus Sr22 to have the nose wheel free castering.

Before the new ground physics parameter, it was impossible to steer the aircraft using differential braking because the wind would push it and during my takeoff run I would end up outside of the runway.

Then the new ground physics came with Su15 beta I tried it, impossible again because differential braking was broken.

But now with the last beta, my Cirrus taxi as you would expect, the takeoff feel realistic and differantial braking works like a charm. This plane behave verry verry nicely and I’m super happy with it

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Just departed KABE in the G1000 C172 after some taxi testing in calm/variable winds. Confirm (1) differential braking present & functional during taxi testing around the airport, and (2) the Skyhawk did weathervane into a light breeze, whichever way the light and variable was blowing: I observed this in both directions as the wind shifted. Was the update or new functionality meant to relieve the weathervane effect? OMY to KPHL but I don’t expect much difference there as the winds are only 5 kts right now. Cheers!