Disappointed in Sim Update 5

So you think that because xbox launch is complete the development of the game for PC will come to a halt?

I respectfully disagree with you.

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OK that’s news to me. I know I would pull the plug. But in today’s environment everything is possible.

Mine looks better than before though so that theory is false.

This “Game” will never look better than a Xbox can handle, period.


Well it actuallay did, before su5

You guys think it’s bad now… Wait till it’s launched on mobile!

Has no one else noticed how the entire lighting model has been changed, sorry not changed… removed.

Yeah SU4 was the last good version and that’s completely nuked, time to move along, as always happy flying :wink:


As good as it is ever going to look? That’s a bold claim sir lol

DX12, DLSS a new superior weather engine and aerodynamic engine in the pipeline and you believe this is as good as it will ever be?

You are going to be in for a treat because it will definitely be much better in the years ahead.
Just like FSX and Xplane it will develop over years, not weeks.

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Also their biggest mistake is that they imported Series X|S controller input for the PC aswell. Why would you do that? Pc controller input was already good. Now i have to begin from ZERO again and map my controller all over again. Flying with mouse, keyboard and controller.

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oh god i didnt even imagine that scenario…

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It will develop in line with it’s intended target which is Xbox, nothing wrong with that, paid beta testing is over and the primary goal has been achieved. All future development will be made in line with Xbox specifications, this is how it’s going to be period. Not nice to hear for PC users but we had a year of the best it had to offer.

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I respectfully disagree based on their development roadmap and live streams.

Good luck with your sim dude

Just curious what you’re moving along to?

Or is this like a metaphorical stamp of the feet before leaving a room upset?

theory ?!
srsly ??
since when an actual thing which is happening in front of my eyes called a theory ?
I can clearly see how the quality has come down, how horrible ground textures look after the update and you called it a theory??


It’s come down for you. It’s better for me.

That’s why it’s your theory not a fact.

You’re entitled to your opinion, good luck with your sim.

Indeed. This is how it looks if you fly in from JFK to Manhattan / NYC. No Skyline!

It builds up when you get nearer. That was way better in update 4.


I agree, that’s what it’s all about, the game is downgraded to please the masses that use Xbox, or PC players that can not afford to upgrade their computers.

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Need a comparison shot woth before really or it’s not going to show us what you mean.

This happened at launch because the server streams the scenery and it’s overloaded. I think it will improve.

Yes, but then it was not available on Xbox.

If that were true then low end PC systems would be working well now and they’re not.

Due to high amount of CTD, no one actually pays attention to graphics at the moment cuz many ppl arent even able to get into the game …
Complaints about graphics are on the way…
just wait …