Disappointed in Sim Update 5

Not forgetting the new performance lag/stutter & ugly pop-in & terrible draw distance when looking around…

I will never fly a console based flight simulation. I will never buy an XBOX X/S and I am pretty happy with my new PS5 and am thinking about buying a STEAMDECK. Give Linux gaming a go for a while since I am so absolutely disgusted with Microsoft and Microsoft Gaming Studios in general. First and last MS Store purchase ever too. Hope you guys are happy over there…

Unless the PC build is brought back how it was in SU4 and two builds are maintained I am never coming back to this arcade pottery barn deck of cards. I do want to fly again but these people have really jaded my approach to any Flight Simulation now. Xplane Next Gen from STEAM will probably be awesome though.


time goes by…do we have an official statement or will they just keep saying nothing…i mean better then perhaps not tell the painfull truth ?

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I have observed what has happened from pre-SU 5 to SU 5 to Hotfix 2. I think that on this forum there is way too much rush to judgement (in the negative direction) and expression of venom at times. Yes, right after SU 5, it was obvious the loss in quality in scenery as an inverse correlation with the large increase in FPS, and shift of load from CPU to GPU (with much more complexity than I am describing). It is now partially tipped back to the CPU with a great improvement in the scenery deficits. Now, again seeing the “limited by CPU” red scale, but temporarily whenever there is a new view. For me FPS’s now 45-65 (from 60-90) and previously 18-38, depending on the city. I have an I7 9700K, 2070 Super, 1GB SSD, 64G DD4 3200, 1080, 500 Mbps. I am fine with being patient when updates and fixes go in a negative or positive direction and are then adjusted. Its an iterative process that requires a feedback loop with the multitude of different types of users (with huge variation in equipment, settings, types of use) - its a very large controlled creative experiment, and to me, wondrous.

Some people who seem to be “rushing to judgment” are upset with Microsoft/Asobo not because of the bugs but for releasing an update when it truly must have been clear to them that it wasn’t ready for release . The degree of these posters’ anger is explained by the fact that not only did they release it but they completely and totally failed to communicate to the PC community what they should expect to run into after SU5. The criticism lodged by most of us is NOT about the bugs, which, as you say are very often the product of the “iterative process that requires feedback loops.” Rather, many of the pejorative posts sound angry because of the abysmal way that Microsoft failed to communicate to the user community about an update that may be one of the most bug-ridden in the history of personal computers. Those particular folks are not rushing to judgment; they are dead right. Microsoft was guilty of a PR blunder that is downright sinful. In the end, they still have not said anything, preferring to let the weight of the worldwide complaints fall on Asobo, who are probably not responsibe for it at all. Left to them, most of us think that Asobo would have continued working on the update until it could be installed on PCs without causing the havoc that it did. Microsoft denied them the chance to do that.


It’s from the company that gave you:

  • The Xbox One would require a persistent internet connection.
  • The Xbox One wouldn’t play used games — you’d put in a disc, install it to the console’s hard drive, take out the disc and it would effectively be useless.
  • Every Xbox One would come with a Kinect motion sensor.

Along with the Bob operating system and Windows Vista…

Not thinking things through very well seems to be part of their business model.



I agree with you 100%. There should be a release for Xbox only and another for PC only.
I also believe that we pc users should be able to roll back to SU4. It was brilliant.


I’m finding slight model improvements (more realistic) on C172. More usage of rudder and needing to hold in aileron correction.

Nice improvement.

Please Asobo fix totally the downgrade of MSFS, not partially like hf1 and hf2.


ATC is the equivalent of a drunk ex-girlfriend texting you at 3am…

“You are 300 feet below your assigned altitude” Over, and over, and over again… Go home ATC.

Oh good, the random lightning strikes are back…


Hi since the new update…help😒

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Yay! The “Flight Log” no longer works either!!! Hasn’t logged a SINGLE flight since SU5!

Just did KSTL-KDFW… Nothing.

Man, SU5… the gift that just keeps on givin’!!! This sim is just a giant dumpster fire now.

But at least the community is 2X bigger, amirite MS/ASOBO???


Where is this? Could be worth a report in scenery bugs.

The option to turn off icing is broken and doesn’t work… Incredibly annoying.

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I had the same “problem”. Turned out it doesn’t log anything if at any point of time of your flight developers mode was activated. Have you tried switching it off?


That was my first thought…

But I haven’t had Dev Mode on for the last week. Turned it on this morning to check FPS

Just went over a random bridge POI in the US:
Cars are driving on the water (I mean seriously? You put a POI that is not even rendered properly??) + ugly world reflection glitches on water that are bouncing around and disappearing when an element of the cockpit is near them

added to some ugly water tiling (might be hard to see because of the video compression)

added to some ugly reflections on plane windows

added to some ugly reflections (clouds, terrain) on water

All that just killed it for me. This is so bad that it makes the game almost unplayable because you don’t understand what’s going on on screen, especially with the reflections. And I’m just talking about graphical issues here…
I really hope all this cr** will get fixed asap because it looks really bad and I’m not having fun anymore, there is no WOW effect like it was when the game got released :frowning: It’s just ugly and broken now. 140€ for this result one year later… :sob:

I play in VR where the glitches are even stronger and everything is on Ultra in 2D and VR settings.


Lmao finally thought that after the second hotfix that the sim was running stable again at least… Was able to complete a 4 hour flight. Tried another tonight and had a CTD without error message right at touchdown. This is so infuriating. And we have to wait until at least the next world update apparently for fixes to CTD’s? Pathetic.

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Several places in the world… :sweat_smile:

Report it in scenery bugs. How will they know it needs to be fixed otherwise?

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