Discussion: E3 Announcement

So will it be updated to transfer Steam DLC over to XBox or is that excluded? Those statements contradict each other :confused:

Please do not spread misinformation. They CLEARLY talked about MEMORY usage, not performance. They optimized 3 fold how memory is being used since Xbox has limited memory compared to PC.

I think the first statement refers to PC Version > Xbox. The second statement relates to Steam Version > xbox, so donā€™t think they actually contradict

Dear MS, Asobo and other devs involved,

First of all, it was certainly a nice trailer and the whole ā€œtop gunā€ thing showed a little smile on my face.
Why a little smile? because iam concerned. Concerned about the s.itload of bugs that we are going to experience and you guys have to solve.
To be honoust, I love to play this sim even with all it shortcommings and bugs so far. Sonce last thursday I experienced a lot of stutters again which made playing this sim undo-able.
So far nothing new that will be solved over time i guess.
Every week i wait for the little improvements and new marketplace items. Every month I see the sim evolving with its world and simupdates. BUTā€¦ a continious stability is still far from perfect, even par right now.
With the comming of x-box the (I suspect the allready way to bussy) devs get even a greater list of bugs to deal with.
On the other hand I hope you have a silent megafix in the making right now that solves everything. But just like unicorns thats more than a wishfull thinking than rational thing.
Anyway, maybe you can comfort me (and probarbly a lot of people with me) to tell is how you are going to deal with this expected issues
Because with all the expected disappointed x-box players, discovering all the flaws and bugs, its just a matter of time before the s.it hits the fan.
And Iam the last person who wants this sim to have a bad name/status in the gaming industry.
Trust me many games have done that themselves before.
Just put at least some kind of warning/disclaimer that the sim is still a work in progress and people should expect some (major) issues in the beginning. Thats what I would have loved in the very beginning when i bought this sim.

Anyways, I hope the whole team is (still) doing fine dispite of all the issues and comments the get.

Congratulations Microsoft, Asobo, Working Title, Bing, Blackshark and all other partners.

Nothing purchased from Steam will transfer to Xbox, including the sim itself.

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It is both, Martial repeated this often, Jorg said one time, ā€œyou should see the frame rateā€ also next Q@A Part II are reserved question on performance change. The performance improvement is something continuous will be worked on.

Previous Q@A " Performance - You all will be super happy with the new version along with the performance improvements."

Latest Next Flighting Opportunity
Would you like to participate in our next flighting opportunity? We have made significant updates and data changes to the sim and need a variety of PC setups to help test stability and performance. This build does not include any content changes but has significant performance updates weā€™d love for you to try out and provide feedback on.

but there is try the milviz corsair, very study level.very hard to fly and land, very realistic.

Waht plane is this in the Top Gun Trailer?


Youā€™ll probably need to wait for the movie to answer this question. Guesses include the so-called SR-72 ā€œDarkstarā€ hypersonic jet (which makes no sense - itā€™s a US Air Force asset, not Navy), a depiction of the mythical Aurora - a reconnaissance plane thatā€™s existed in peopleā€™s minds since the late 80s, or something else.


Looking at it from the front, it does look like the SR-72 artist impressions Iā€™ve seen:


One difference is this looks like it has two vertical stabilisers, and not one. It could be runway markings, but to me it looks like they are attached to the plane, and canted inwards towards each other.

Some models show two:


I should have done this before I replied in-line, but weā€™ll move this to the Discussion: E3 Announcement, since the plane was revealed there during the E3 Trailer.

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Couldnā€™t it be the same fighter jet but with a ridiculous amount of distortion due to the lens?

Just making the guessing game a bit more excitingā€¦ :wink:

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Why are the Steam purchasers getting screwed? I bought mine from the MS Store so Iā€™m good to go but, and correct me if Iā€™m wrong, the Steam purchasers have to buy again if they want to play on Xbox?

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Yes, but they arenā€™t getting screwed. No more than me buying a game on PC, then expecting to get the PS4 version too.

MS Store, and Steam are two different software distribution platforms. Buying on one doesnā€™t entitle you to the other.

The benefit of the MS Store purchase is that you can use it on PC, and XBox. They didnā€™t have to do that, but they chose to. They own the platform, they can do what they want with it. Valve donā€™t have that luxury.


Itā€™s impossible to get a priority list right for everybody - itā€™s too easy to say X isnā€™t working so why work on Y, but often itā€™s a lot more complicated than that, maybe Y impacts more than X or X has dependencies A, B and C which need to be done first, or simply the resource to do X is busy with Z.

As it happens the DX12U update brings with it a new audience to MSFS, improved performance and no doubt many improvements to usability and bug fixes so that sounds like a higher priority to me. :slight_smile:

And for all we know, the taxi ribbon along with effects such as wakes etc., all depend on DX12 functions/capabilities.

Play Anywhere titles have been on the Xbox store now for over 5 years. Itā€™s a pity that maybe some didnā€™t know that before purchasing on Steam. The two stores are completely separate, nothing Microsoft can do really, they made a bad call if they wanted to play also on console. :cry:

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Absolutely no proof for that. The settings on consoles are usually hard coded and cant be changed, so they are optimised settings. Something between medium, high end and ultra or even something in between.
Maybe even with dynamic resolution to keep the fps target.

DigitalFoundry will 100% put it trough benchmarks and find out what settings it does run. Definitely not ultra on 4K and 60FPS.

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60fps with this kind of detail on 4k on the series X
And 30 on the series S.
Imagine an update for our PCā€™s that will have all of this on just average hardwareā€¦