May I suggest linking to the forum so that when the “30 days” trigger closes a thread so goes the item on the development list?
I would go as far as rank the threads by number of replies in the past month.
Or “status update”. “Update” alone means too many different things.
Is there a reason icing isn’t listed in the bugs? I’ve seen the thread for it with over 400 votes, and I’ve submitted bug reports for it twice, but it’s not anywhere on the bug list. Flying is basically impossible in cold weather with this bug. I understand there are a lot of issues, but I think pixelated trees or too smooth mountains is less of an issue than not being able to fly with clouds in cold weather.
I think you will find that it is getting far more attention than is evident. The serious over icing was only introduced 3 weeks ago and so the current bug lists just don’t reflect it yet. Hopefully, by the time it makes the list it will be marked, solved.
The icing has gotten a lot more attention from the community since the update for snow, but it’s been an issue since day 1 of the sim. But I hope you are right about it being resolved soon.
If you were having an issue with flying in icing conditions before, I have to ask what aircraft you are generally flying?
Pretty much always the Cessna 172, non-G1000 version.
Gotcha. That is an aircraft that gives you two choices. Turn off icing completely in options or do not fly in icing conditions. Even after icing is “fixed” those two options will still persist. The heavier than normal accretion of ice encountered in normal icing conditions is a bit of a bug but any airplane that is not certified for flight into known icing conditions (FIKIC) will be unsafe to operate even with normal icing.
The cold soaked icing bug introduced with the snow is a bit different and as such has received lots more press. However, if the plane you are in is certified FICIK then even that is no big deal. Just flip some switches and go. Not so in your 172.
That’s the problem, there’s no way to turn off icing in options, even setting it to Visual Only doesn’t work right. Currently the only ‘fix’ when flying in clouds (not icing conditions, just clouds) below 0C is to open DevMode and hold the icing slider all the way to the left.
Below 0c and in cloud IS icing conditions. Actually that is exactly the conditions you need to avoid at all cost in a non FIKIC aircraft.
You are effectively misting an ice cube.
In-flight icing conditions exist when: there is visible moisture (includes clouds, rainbows and precipitations); outside air temperatures are in the freezing range (+2° C to -20° C).
Are the devs aware of that the custom event IDs are completely broken in the current SDK release or how can I make them aware of how it/add it to a list ?
Not all clouds contain enough moisture to cause icing, and certainly not enough to ice over the whole aircraft in less than a minute.
Wrong. I have spent nearly my entire career flying in either this arctic or the one down under. Do not mess with visible moisture in the winter.
I agree the icing effect is extreme and needs adjustment but you should NEVER fly a 172 into ANY cloud in -2c. EVER!
In real life you are putting yourself in grave danger.
ALL clouds contain enough moisture to create extreme icing at those temperatures. Anything above about 75% humidity at -2 will cause icing.
Flying in close proximity WILL ice up a 172 in those temps. Just don’t do it.
Night lighting backlog…what is this?
Any fix on blurry lights 4k, ultrwides, super-ultrawides?
Totally ridiculous lights look blurry in all “non-stadard-res’”.
Unless a cloud is caused by volcanic ash, smokestack discharge, smoke from a forest fire, etc., the reason a cloud is visible is because of moisture. I guess it’s theoretically possible for a cloud to be composed of ice crystals or snow clumps?
As Willis said, the C172 is not rated for flight into known icing conditions. The FAA defines that as temps below freezing with visible moisture in the air.
The C172 only has a pitot tube warmer. That will be a great comfort to you as the wings and windscreen ice up, you lose visibility, and you plummet to the ground. At least you’ll be able to watch your dramatically decreasing altitude and know exactly how fast you were going at the moment the wings tore off!
You are missing my point, it’s not that icing won’t kill a 172, it’s that severe icing in ANY cloud below 0C is unrealistic, and needs to be fixed. I see the icing warnings, and avoid flying in any known moderate or severe icing, per the tech order. Or if I did encounter unexpected icing, I’d descend to a lower altitude immediately or find a place to land. But I flew through one translucent cloud for maybe 10 seconds, I could see through to the other side, over England, and my 172 completely iced over, and I had to give up the mission as a result. This is NOT how the real world works, I have 5,000 hours of RL flying time, though happily not a lot of it in arctic conditions.
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