Discussion: March 18th, 2021 Development Update

LOL “the customer should be grateful”. I’m done here.


Why do those defenders of this game take it so personally when others criticise it? No comprende.


Apply this to any other indusrty.

“Just because we showed you some pictures of a car with four wheels doesn’t mean you’d get a car with four wheels”.


Voicing a concern is one thing which I do agree on. Creating a”witch hunt” mentality regarding Asobo is wrong and something which I’ll voice my concern against.

Threads like these head towards “witch hunt” and not progressive improvement of a product.

Beating someone with a stick and telling them to move faster is something we stopped doing 200 years ago!


Here’s another Asobo defender. Please go ahead and bash me if it makes you feel better :crazy_face:.
I have seen that my visits to this forum have become less frequent and shorter over the past few weeks. I came in very enthousiastically and seem to have lost some of that. Why is that? That’s because this place has become infested with so much negativity. People from behind the safety of their desk tops whining over and over and over again about the same topics.

It is sooooo boring!!! I don’t have much experience with forums, but is this the same everywhere?

Do you really think that Asobo will and can run one step faster when you keep repeating the same things? Sometimes it seems that a colony of complainer-parrots has settled down here. Every topic that I open inevitably spirals down to the same complaints.

If you would be smart, you’d file a ticket on zendesk, complete with your configuration and anything that can help Asobo to pinpoint any issues and give them a chance to solve them.
I’ve used zendesk and, this might surprise you, they do actually Answer! Isn’t that great?

So please do me, and I am sure also a lot of other people too, a favor and take your vinegar elsewhere.

So many spoiled and whining people these days… never satisfied with the things they have, always disappointed, criticizing, meh-ing, knowing how things should be done, etc, etc.

I really wouldn’t be able to live that way!

Love from Dutchland :pray:

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Sorry my dear. Here is original press release. In Germany there is an expression “promise the blue from the sky”. Not sure on an English equivalent. For me they set the bar for their product on maximum height.

We have been thrilled and humbled by the support and dedication that has fueled the Flight Sim community for the past 38 years. Since the launch of the very first Microsoft Flight Simulator in 1982, we knew it was finally the right time to develop the next-generation version of Microsoft Flight Simulator. We have the right tools, technology, partners and hardware to release the most realistic and authentic flight simulator to date. Microsoft Flight Simulatorfeatures include:

  • Vivid and Detailed Landscapes – Immerse yourself in the vast and beautiful world that is our planet with more than 37 thousand airports, 1.5 billion buildings, 2 trillion trees, mountains, roads, rivers and more.
  • A Living World – Earth is vibrant and ever-changing and so is the world of Microsoft Flight Simulator which includes live traffic, real-time weather and animals.
  • Highly Detailed Aircraft – Hone your pilot skills in a variety of aircraft from light planes to commercial jets with comprehensive flight models. Every aircraft includes highly detailed and accurate cockpits with realistic instrumentation.
  • New Checklist System – From pro to beginner, scale your level from full manual to full assist with interactive and highlighted instrument guidance and checklist.
  • Dynamic Weather – The new weather engine enables users to switch on the live weather mode to experience real-time weather including accurate wind speed and direction, temperature, humidity, rain and more.
  • New Day & Night Engine – Experience flight at any time of day or year allowing for night VFR, visual flight rules, navigation.
  • Aerodynamic Modeling – A state-of-the-art physics engine with over 1,000 control surfaces per plane allows for a truly realistic experience.

A little condescending, don’t you think?

And to your other response: we were shown pictures, and that always comes with an intended implication of the marketer. That implication is ‘hey look it sooo good’. No it’s not.

You buy a yogurt and they advertise it has strawberries in it by showing you strawberries in the ad. Ultimately is just strawberry flavored. There may be people like you saying ‘well, it still tastes like strawberry’. Nevertheless, there is a point to be made that the ad is deceiving.

I like the Sim for the visuals, but for good visuals without properly functioning environment I might as well go outside and enjoy nature. And it’s free. So the money I pay for the Sim in partially for the rest and certainly not promises made after I was told it would be so great.


Royal, thanks for your work to engage the community. I appreciate the difficult position you’re in as a messenger.

You seem to recognize that people don’t want to be treated like they are simpletons or can’t be trusted to react appropriately to bad news. I expect that was not the intention in terms of what was communicated.

The statement is completely non-committal and anemic. Its the least risky reply in the history of replies.

Customers have been crying for a substantive update about these game crippling problems for what…nearly 2 weeks now? And only AFTER a bunch of community pressure did a statement get released. Let’s be clear. No statement, and no post in the development update would have been released if it wasn’t for people expressing their discontent. Does that seem a bit off to you?

This set of crippling problems should have crossed some sort of internal monitoring threshold and Asobo should have gotten ahead of the problem.

Instead, (and yet again), Asobo is behind the 8-ball. Customers are being forced to pick sides. Why? Because leadership isn’t organized and staying ahead of problems.

Real ownership comes in the way of a measurable commitment. I recognize that might be tough to swallow.

If a plumber or electrician tradesperson had to be called back to your house multiple times to fix something done incorrectly, you’d bet you’d be expecting something in the way of A) An explanation and B) A specific commitment on when the issue would be resolved.

The engineering teams need to be giving estimates and timelines, and they need to commit to delivering, and that then needs to be relayed to paying customers.

The meme of “its done when its done” applies to unreleased features, not game crippling bugs that should have never gotten out into the wild in the first place.

If someone can’t construct even a basic timeline for fixing a problem, then they clearly don’t understand the problem well enough. If they don’t understand the problem well, they’re going to have a bad time.

Thanks again for your commitment to keeping the conversation open and defending customers rights to communicate their discontent in productive ways.


This is a somewhat ridiculous statement. We should be grateful? Really? What kind of corporate defending/apologizing is going on around here…jeez. Here’s some advice, corporations are not your friends. They never have been and never will be.

We are customers. MS is a multi billion dollar corporation. We paid for a product. It’s a business transaction, simple as that. If a customer is unhappy with the product, they have every right to voice their opinions if they’re not happy with something. Especially now that FS has evolved into this ongoing beta/development entity. MS provides these forums. If their feelings are that fragile, they can get rid of them if they want to.

I don’t understand what motivates someone who may not be experiencing any problems to spend their time on here downplaying other peoples issues. There have been plenty of times I haven’t had issues when others have and never once was I inclined to downplay them. Now I certainly haven’t gone as far as some here with their criticism, but I can certainly understand where they’re coming from.

If you don’t like what people are saying, unless you’re inclined to help them with their problem, just ignore them.


Please understand that the question they were given was this (I wrote it out verbatim):

“Currently, the icing effect is not only affecting performance, but also, the visual representation is wrong. The icing looks like the aircraft has been parked overnight in freezing fog and is covered with frost. Are you aware of this? Are there any updates planned to address the severity and visual appearance? Could we get an option to completely disable the icing effect?

Someone asked if they would have the ability to disable the effect, and Martial answered that question.

Martial’s response was:

  • Icing is a very complex thing.
  • For now, we currently have one layer of icing and it is exaggerated. We intend to fix that.
  • We know that in VR, it makes it very difficult to read.
  • In Sim Update 4, you will also have the ability to disable icing.

So they said that they intend to fix the look of icing, and will also be delivering the ability to turn it off.


Absolutely correct.

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Especially the part of building a Sim yourself. When your car’s engine blows I don’t think anyone is grateful to have had the car or that there is still a seat and says that you can try to develop your own car if you’re not happy. That’s not ridiculous, that’s hilarious.


They said ASAP. What more do you want?

You’re absolutely right @JrPainkiller606 My sim works in VR without stutters. Why should I spend my time helping those less fortunate - capitalism out!

Well, no one forced anyone to buy anything, there was trial for 1$ for that if they liked or not, and feedback are on all social media on current status, people that spend a lot of money without trying or searching, you can’t do anything about it. Same things for people testing and still bought it, I know many done that without any reason, why buying if your current sim was ok, still not enough buying without any reason. People that spend money without searching, reading or even tried it before for 1$ it’s their responsibility. I never buy anything without searching, especially not on expensive things.

VR performance is the most pressing matter imo

I’ll start using msfs2020 & recommending it when sorted

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I see, in that case I do apologize.

Next time I should gather more information before making a statement.


Here there is Live Dev Q@A Agenda (On news and announcement), I suggest people using it, could answer lot of question and reduce confusion.
Live Dev Q&A: Agenda


Oh wow, do you have a minute :joy:? I have been an RTF instructor, the US deviates a lot from standard ICAO phraseology, at least you got rid of the “taxi into position and hold” instead of the ICAO “line-up and wait”, flight following is only a thing in the US, calling out numbers without identifier is not according ICAO, for example a climb to an altitude is “climb to altitude 5000 ft” or “climb flight level 100” (flight levels = without “to”) under ICAO, “going missed” = “going around” in both VFR and IFR, doesn’t matter what flight rules or conditions, just to name a few examples. There are loads and loads of (sometimes small) differences…

Its not about not being able to communicate at all or that there are “show stoppers”, its just not realistic to hear US phraseology being used in Europe for example. Neither would someone from the US like to hear EU phraseology being used in the US with QNH in hPa and a transition altitude of 5000 ft…


I expressed my gratitude by purchasing their product, as with any product I buy. That’s all the thanks a customer should have to give. For the price, I wasn’t expecting a commercial grade sim. It’s early, ten year commitment, so in ten years it may be money well spent or not. We will see.