Discussion: March 25th, 2021 Development Update

Ditto! Same here.
A new issue now??

The FPS seems better! However, I am still getting freezes in certain scenery areas.

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After the last update (26.3.2021)I had no throttle or joystick control…only mouse, rudder and keyboard
What is to do? any ideas?

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Freezes are probably the CPU loading the scenery. That’ll hopefully be improved with DX12

I rebooted and it seems fine now.

Have you restarted steam? I saw an update install the minute I did this.

(2 actually. One SteamVR and one MSFS2020)

Check your controller profiles and if they were set to default reload the ones you made changes to?

Got the problem: controllers were deactivated by the system. Now all is running.
Thank you

I will.

Thank you

Have to say that the sim seems to be as responsive and as smooth a I can remember in a long time


Really hope this patch works out for you :pray:

Just restarted (installing my yoke and throttle to fly properly) and got a 126Mb additional update in the sim. Didn’t get that last time. I’m thinking that will be the airac update probably?

Thank you. So do I.

I have the Steam version. I only had a 300MB install from Steam. It’s downloading from within the sim.

I can happily report that I’m no longer stuck at the 17MBit update speed I was at for the last several updates. It downloaded the 600+ MB in sim patch in record time.

So far, that’s a promising result. We’ll see about performance once I load into a flight.

yep, in-game download is the new AIRAC cycle.

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Great, looking forward to trying out this patch!

@Jummivana is there a marketplace update scheduled along with this? I had figured it was being delayed from yesterday along with the patch but I’ve just updated and it seems no change to marketplace yet?

Successful download and 2 test flights here. First did the MS Store download of approx. 1GB, then rebooted, then launched the Sim and got the other approx. 100 mb download. A few slow parts on the download speed due to traffic but all good. Flew a GA plane (the Gravel mod) around New York City and was at 50-53 FPS on 4K High settings with nice high GPU usage and low CPU usage. No stutters or drops in FPS and smooth overall. Then did a flight over the Grand Canyon and was at solid 60 FPS (where I have a cap set via NVidia control panel) with same high GPU and low cpu measures and no stutters or FPS drops. Definitely better than before the patch for me. Running an i9, 3090, 64gb setup in 2D. Will test VR when I get a replacement reverb G2 (my first one died after about a month of use).

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Just did the update too and tested it afterwards. All good from my side.

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Got the patch. Smooth install.
My standard test flight in the Baron - CYVR (bespoke) to CYPK to CYXX to CYVR 1500ASL with a pass over photogrammetry city and port area
Prior to WU3/SU3 35 - 37 fps occasional 1 stutters
Post WU3/SU3 35 - 37 fps with occasional drops to ~20 - ~15 fps, 1 - 3 sec stutters
Post Patch 37 - 42 fps couple very minor micro stutters not more than slightly noticeable

Overall very smooth steady CPU 65% - 75%, GPU 88% - 93% VRAM solid at 73%, RAM 50%. Very close to normal benchmarks. Did not notice any change in LOD. Broken 2200 with scattered rain showers. Comparable to current conditions in Vancouver. Clouds very smooth. No noticeable ‘blue line’. TrackIR active and exceptionally smooth, noticeable improvement from previous tests.

Take away - Looks like a marked improvement in performance. Particularly in the smoothness.
Got the patch. Smooth install.


Great update, thanks to all involved…Now we can get back to flying…

Gone Very quiet in here…obviously everyne is flying :slightly_smiling_face: