Discussion: Patch 1.15.10

In Switzerland we have heavy rain all the day in almost the whole country. In MSFS there are just a few clouds…before the patch the real wearher was pretty accurate…and now unusable…

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same experience for me. in switzerland we have the weather from yesterday in the sim since the patch :frowning:

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I have submitted a bug report about it

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Not convinced but will just use and see what happens.Thanks

If your welcome screen shows You’re good to go. There’s no in-game download for this one. You got your download via the store automatically.

Minutes after reading your post, I started a flight from EDDP to EGMC.

If you think you’ve seen bumps and holes in FS, try taxiing from the parking in EDDP to runway 26R - TOTAL MADNESS.

My plane went underground while taxiing, then started jumping including on the runway. Felt like driving one of these jumping cars from the old rap music videos.


öm okay…

I get this message from now when loading MSFS and all servers seem to be down.

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I also get the same message and all bing satellite imagery is disappearing as I fly in South Africa Pretoria

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This has nothing to do with the patch, people. XBOX Services are down again. Stop flooding this thread with nonsense.


I have no live weather. Guess they decided the fix was to break it.

That list indicates it is (only) account issues. MSFS servers show not compromised…

If you click on details you see this, they’re not ready yet :cat:

so the x box service outage and the live weather problems are related?

Look further down…

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It was you who started posting weather problems here, hehe…

Suppose life weather could be affected by account issues indeed… when there are issues like this, they need to close down a whole chain of servers to reset all functions. Weather could be one of the services involved.

The XBox (Azure?) cloud is responsable for the accounts. Anything that is connected to that will experience outage when accounts cannot be checked. This is a payware game, also online. MS must know it is you, an MSFS customer, who downloads all these nice sceneries. I think they keep their sceneries and the actual files behind the XBox “firewall” for that reason too. Nothing happened there, when this XBox thing is solved everything runs again. And I’m gonna wait for that :relieved: don’t start the game, don’t go stop processes to “get through”. The update is there… remember the packages issue last month… let them sort it out and put our proof-of-pay online again…

Since the patch when I use the hat switch to pan side to side , the picture appears to have a wave through it as I transition to the sides, any ideas ?

:grin: can you show a video of that please (camera movement ? there was a topic… you use “move” or “quick move” check out keyboard settings)

Seems to be a significant frame rate hit. Not using multiplayer. Down from 50 to 30 in fps.

Better not start anyway, frame rate can be affected by anything when server A is on server B is off… it is still on red color, but… “clear” it sais ! “Resolution pending” now :cat: