Discussion + Poll: Sim Update 6 (

I am still not able to hold right button to look around while using the yoke. The mouse “blocks” the controls


There seem to be major server issues. Looks like MS have failed us again with Server Bandwidth. Number cause of all our issues including CTDs is SERVERS!!! Got their money and now being tight a r s e s with their server availability. I have complained about this for months, but MS do not want to address the issue!!


So I went to cast my votes on how I feel about your update, then immediately was greeted by a server down message. Our reality almost imploded into itself from how accurate the meta was…


I can’t seem to hold a connection to the MS Server for the update to work. Gets to about 40mb and says unable to connect to internet - my internet is working fine. Might be a server issue at MS’s end.

Man, I don’t usually say this and actually mean it, but…

Good Job Asobo! With the sim updated, I loaded a flight, had jetways that worked properly and spawned when needed, and did a five and a half hour flight from LA to Hawaii, and did not notice any fps drops. This was using the FBW newest SU6 exp. version none the less.

Now, get rid of the ■■■■ logbook popping up at the end of the flight, and I will be a happy simmer!

Let’s keep the trend going of updates that fix and don’t break anything huge!


You didnt notice the servers are down no PG no Bing etc etc?

Except the servers … they have broken those… hahahah … there are a lot of us that cannot update at all!

To be fair, I was over the pacific for the entire flight… :rofl: Hawaii looked ok though. When I departed LA, five hours ago all was fine.

Download went smooth and everything seems to work! I do believe this is the best the SIM has been since launch!! Thank you Microsoft and Asobo! @seedyl3205 and @Jummivana please pass my thanks to the whole MSFS team please.


AGAIN issues with the download
For the FITH time I get this message

and my internet connection is fine

Are we going to have this issues EVERY TIME there is an UPDATE?

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Its not you the servers are down …


Ok thank you sooooooooooo much for letting me know

Here’s more people having CTDs in the DC area. I filed a zendesk ticket number: 130613


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What I have noticed now is the loss of their licence from Bing and Google maps! It was great flying over the real world! Back to square one, back to the old fashioned flight simulators I suppose, with fake scenery! Some you win, some you lose.

No problem, of course now that I think about it, maybe it was your update that broke the camel’s back and took out the servers … LOL ;p

I think so.

See if you have any luck with this config that doesn’t require any other software to make sim racing pedals work as the rudder (worked for me with Fanatec CSP v3 pedals).

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One of the largest webservices companies in the world can’t even patch a game without melting the servers down… :roll_eyes:

Imagine if Boeing couldn’t certify a new… Hmm, bad example…

Maybe its a Seattle thing.


Anyone having issues with the game being offline and not connecting to the servers? I am on an Xbox X and the game itself updated before I opened it up (as part of the xbox game updates) It then looked for updates inside flight sim but did not update then it gave an error saying it could not connect to the servers.

Yep, that’s the same message I get too…