Discussion: Sim Update 3 (

Thanks Azphilosopher, yes, I appreciate your comments. I’m not suggesting that there is a ‘coverup or incompetence’ on Asobo’s part. I guess that what I am asking is that all ‘UPDATES’ are tested thoroughly prior to release to the Community, and if there any issues found by the community / purchasers on their products, they actively acknowledge that there are issue’s, and COMMUNICATE and provide feedback to the community and the people who purchase their products. Keeping their Community/Purchasers in the dark and not communicating is not a good business strategy.


Please keep posts on MSFS and not each other.

Apologies, I guess I’m getting a little frustrated at the lack of communication from MS/Asobo about fixes on the apparent bugs that are appearing after their ‘updates’.

Look at this ■■■■.

FPS good, then FPS bad, then FPS good, then FPS ■■■■. Come on!!

Before wasting time with things most users don’t care like fsx liveries allocate your limites resources in things that actually are important and will make a difference for all customer satisfaction like quality control.

RTX 3090, 10900k, 32gb


Check out this post regarding FPS:

Hi how did you install it without the updates

Oh that’s the perfect world but do understand that extensive testing is extremely time consuming and if every bell and whistle were put through rigorous analysis, we might not have got any updates at all to this point. Heck, the sim may not even have been released yet. Commercial programmers, especially ones that are contracted to meet markers at given times, have to seek some balance and unfortunately be a bit political about what they put out to the public. I guess it’s relative as to the experience each of us is having as to whether our concerns are being heard and addressed.

Human nature is to seek out some single issue that one elevates to astronomical importance and yet to someone else that issue might not even hit their radar. If you read through all of these forum sections and bug reports, the issues can seem massive on volume. So we want Asobo to address them all and give up to date detailed reporting on every one of them? Just perhaps they are reading them, triaging, and stopping the bleeding on things that cause CTD’s while pecking away at the other less critical things. In the software world that is common practice.

We’ve all seen the posts on here where the outrage goes to overdrive because Asobo has fixed or released some feature instead of working on what the poster thought most important. I just read a long thread where people were going caustic over whether the tree drawing distance had decreased with the top complainers posting screen shots that looked like real life photos. Just maybe (and this is just conjecture) Asobo decreased that distance a bit because they found it could cause stuttering or CTD’s on some workstations. Tree distance. Seriously. Who’s actually flying a plane, listening to ATC, working the controls and auto pilot and looking out the window seeing if their trees 2 miles away are displaying properly? Maybe coming to work, reading the forums and seeing that users are insane and spoiled beyond belief just might be the thing that’s cutting down on decent communications.


Good question.

Yeah, I meant marketplace, the “in-game” store. I guess you knew that though.

No. I really thought you were referring to the MS Store.

Thanks. I would go and edit it.

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Lol, we got strung along?

DCS world is a mod made for LockOn. LockOn was $25.

If you want to fly more than the mustang, or a russian plane with all the controls and dials in russian, you have to spend a fortune on each one.

I dont see many community-made free aircraft there - and the ones I did see, needed a purchased aircraft.

I already had lol, sorry for the confusion :¬)

Totally wrong. Hospital soft may cost a lot because of little amount of buyers - almost always it is an individual custom made things. Here we have none of these: millions of paying users, developer with infinite resource base, unbeatable famous pop brand shaped as moneymaking selling platform with mainstream technology level - and resulted quality is worse than joint military sim that we developed in a small 13 people company.

But it is typically for Microsoft now, all their products i bought: ms office - can crash system just by some fonts selection with necessity to reinstall it after reboot - and some of these bugs are since 2016(!!!), windows 10 can kill himself in non-repairable state by updates, msfs - you heard. Here is no need in hackers to broke these systems because they are broken already in a systematically way by management decisions. And decisions are very simple and straight - cut spends, increase income, nothing personal just a business thing. Development process we got here is just a part of marketing model for maintaining clients interest over time, so it goes as it is. Increasing spends for product quality side possible only as far as not spending on it will cause decreasing of planned income.


So there is currently no way at all to tune heading the bug less than 10? Even just clicking it now increases by 10. At least before we could increase by 10 then fine tune by clicking.

If you are referring to the x10 bug, not if you are using a controller with latching switches. Anything bound to any one of those switches causes the bug. Unbind those switches, and the problem goes away.

I’ve heard that this is to be addresses in World Update 4 in early April.

Short answer - they didn’t. Even if you have the disks, the game won’t launch without updating.

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To use X-plane 11 as an example - the FAA allows the use of a separate, more carefully designed and vetted version of that program for actual pilot training. However, that version costs significantly more than the consumer ‘entertainment’ version. I would imagine it takes a lot more work to keep it fully accurate, robust and certified. The other key point of your argument seems to be that MS is the sole developer, and I’m no expert on this but I believe that ASOBO is the one in the ‘driver seat’ as far as the actual code development goes. I would assume MS is there to provide mostly packaging and marketing expertise. ASOBO doesn’t have infinite resources - I have no idea really how big of a team they have dedicated to this, but I’m sure they can’t apply the same level of resources MS would be able to. That said, I’m fully in agreement that this is being done in a less than ideal way and I believe the best solution is to go back to a more stable and functional version and use beta testers to vet and test the proposed updates, then release them.

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True, you need to buy aircraft. Imagine that, buying addons in a sim.

According to Wikipedia, Dcs World was not a Mod of Lock-on.

Yes. I bought the F18. On sale. $60 bucks, hardly a fortune.

So how much playtime have I gotten out of it? Well let’s see… I’ve been learning it for months, one plane, and still have so far to go. Why? Because it’s scary close close to the real thing.

I can’t just jump in every default plane in the sim and start doing loops, doing takeoff and landings no problem.

It has been more or less unanimous across the msfs forum all along, that everyone is holding out for the paid aircraft. With so many default aircraft available… why would everyone be saying that?

And everyone except total beginners in msfs would already have bought some add-on planes, except all that work is like a year behind and counting. A big reason being the Apis are just not up to this monumental task.

Why is it okay to buy planes in msfs but not anywhere else?

I don’t need to download endless free community patches for the scenery, because it already just works. No streaming required.

I don’t need to buy airports at 20 dollars each, just so I can fly by and go oh wow it looks like the actual airport… because I’m too busy flying actual missions even campaigns. Does msfs have those? Does it have combat? What’s that you say… you just fly around?

Speaking of spending a fortune, my rig today would cost no less than 4000 dollars if you were to buy it right now.

And msfs runs like Garbage on my rig, yes no matter what, and the scenery constantly hops between good and horrible, after trying every trick out there and more.

What’s the point of “flying the world” if it runs poorly and only the screenshots released by PR ever look anything like what was promised?

I heard that Mesa Verde was rendered now. So I did a flyby at like 100 yards out and took a look. It’s literally that tiny spot where you climb down to the cliffside village, pasted in the middle of the same hundreds of km of muddy, smudged rounded hills, stretched Bing photography which looks nothing like that area.

Niagara Falls? Still awful. And on and on we could go.

My other point here is: If one of your main draws is to fly the world, it needs to be convincing. Not constantly tearing you out of the experience.

If one of your main draws is the weather, you shouldn’t be able to just cruise through a thunderstorm because none of the storms mechanics are implemented it’s just for show.

All things considered as an aggregate score of overall presentation: Dcs looks just as good as msfs today, no joke. And it’s cruising away well above 80fps all the time on 4k resolution. And realistic weather is dropping at the end of this very month. I’m running a 1070ti…a 5 year old card.

How is the hunt for those elusive Nvidia cards going for everyone, paying upwards of 3000 just for a 3080 that msfs Still runs poorly on? We talk about spending a fortune…

Sims cost money period. We should all know by now it’s not a valid argument to claim one of them is expensive and another is not.

Final edit, that argument against Dcs has already gotten very old, which is only ever used against that specific sim somehow. You buy one high fidelity and you’re literally set for a whole year. Doesn’t get any better than that in my opinion.


I bought F18 and F16, although there are still some problems, but I think it is excellent value for money!

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Yes, helicopters are great in DCS. But the scenery is much nicer in MSFS :grinning:
I personal love the huey and waiting for the Apache…