Discussion: Update #6 (

Hi @KiWikreativ,
In MSFS, Options under “Accessibility” is a user interface text size. See if changing that helps. By default, when MSFS is installed, it is set to 18.

There is also an Interface Scale and by default, that is at 100%.

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My update took a while, so I just went to have my dinner. I think if you are impatient, restart your machine, try other things, you’ll likely end up having a worse time than just letting it get on with it.

Lucky guy… I still have this lightining problem, and the same AP problems at A320. For me, this upgrade just occupied space in my SSD without solving any problem.

Interesting my update broke all speed records at around 70Mbits / second (8-9 MB/s). That for my humble fiber connection was amazing, could not have been more than a few minutes. On Steam downloading 1.4 GB would have taken half an hour.


Try flying into the country where there are supposed to be no street lights. That is the main problem. There are lights everywhere.

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Windows store update went without a hitch restarted afterward. Ran game as administrator update took 4 minutes and restarted after this updated.

Ran sim checking all my settings were unchanged.

No change or crashes. LOD’s still need pushed out another 80 miles in my opinion I do run then both at 200.

FYI… I always disable full screen optimization and dpi to override application as it keeps the sim from studdddering!

Great job Osobo team.

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We need to register more votes on this topic! The night light is awful.


Hopefully this shows up on tomorrow’s developer update. It should. It has almost 400 votes.

I noticed I can no longer change the course for any of my Nav in the Kingair 350

It is interesting that in updating X-Plane, it checks for files you’ve changed and asks you which version you want to keep - a rather better way of doing it.

LR encourage you to modify and improve. At the moment MS/Asobo are not so customer-friendly, but hopefully in time . . . .


Convenient for the user, perhaps, but not so convenient for those attempting to support these users. You only have to look at the posts in the “Bugs” group regarding the detail of information given, with most not offering any where near the right amount of information to offer anything more than educated guesswork, then add to that a load of user modified files…a support nightmare.


Hey @Hester40MT , thanks for the tipps. I will try this at home tonight. :wink:

I have the same problem. Everywhere I go, the weather is fine.

After this update I’ve had my first CTD. Unreal. Not enjoying these updates.

If you want un-fine weather, go to KGPI. :wink:
MSFS did pull in temp & cloud cover correctly when I did it early morning.

In real life, there’s 10 cm (4 inches) of snow on the ground but that’s not implemented yet in MSFS.

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Do you get the same behaviour with the community folder emptied? You could be seeing scenery conflicts

It is not. They’re is a post about it confirming somewhere

i keep my game vanilla so no content in there it just pure premium deluxe game


Thanks… It took around this time for me as well

No problems here