DLSS is the way. TAA is a wrong approach

I’m going straight to the point. I’m a bit tired of the disinformation some youtubers are sharing.

In 2025, if you are following the latest news about Nvidia launching the 5000 series GPUs, you’ll notice that DLSS is the most important thing in the future (and present of modern gaming).

The arrival of DLSS 4.0 will bring major image clarity improvements (Nvidia DLSS Super resolution), even for the 2,3 and 4000 series graphic cards. It’s undeniable the amount of steps forward this version is bringing.

VR won’t be getting the magic of multiple frame generation cause the latency in this technology is really important, but like I said, the supersampling is a huge thing.

Some “VR guys” are screaming about this because they simply don’t understand how it works and always use TAA. Some even say that they prefer to downsample the resolution in order to use TAA with decent framerates.
Imagine having the chance to use high end headsets like the Varjo or Somnium and use 80% of TAA Native resolution to achieve 40fps. What’s the benefit of having such HMDs to watch a low end image? This is a complete wrong approach but I’m not surprised because these people usually talk about amazing visuals and performance without showing any single fps counter or resolution/settings screen. They even repeat like parrots “glass cockpit blurriness is awful, I can’t fly with that”. Sure, take a look:

Here’s my video about this. Hope you guys embrace the future and use DLSS. Blurriness is already a lie in DLSS. In a couple of days with 4.0.well see… (That it’s a non sense to use TAA, even in 2020)


I prefer high resolution with no AA at all. I fly only in VR.


The problem is cockpit displays, I enjoy TAA, dlss never seems an improvement.


These displays are rendered with html, which doesn’t work well with DLSS, but are crisp with TAA. The rest of the image is handled nicely by DLSS.


Well I’m firmly in the TAA camp, I’ve tried every trick on the book to get glass cockpits to look as good as TAA in DLSS. You can tell as many people as you like DLSS is king and debunk their own visual experiences, it simply not the case in my experience. I glad you enjoy your DLSS experience, it’s not for me. Let’s hope DLSS 4.0 brings some visual improvements.


Exactly. I’m glad someone is listening :smile:

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Nailed it Tony!

I tried DLSS again and again and in the end I again switched to TAA for the time being. The thing is the ghosting of the instruments and the resolution of them. That’s it. If that is solved I will immediately switch to DLSS.


DLSS for all intents and purposes will give you higher visual fidelity than native EXCEPT the blurriness in the 2d numbers of the glass cockpits, but that is something you will ignore really quickly when faced with the performance gains and general visual fidelity gains.


The Choice of TAA DLAA or DLSS is relevant to the type of flying you do. If you like G1000 navigation and cockpit gauges to be sharp TAA wins. DLAA is very close, and DLSS loses. If you like VFR canyon carving and Steam Gauges aircraft, DLSS is quite acceptable because you’re looking outside.
It is a matter of preference. To say these folks don’t know is not factual. They have their preferences. Expressing your frustration is allowed but understand, your opinion is yours.


This should be fun to watch. :rofl:


In IMC, when using glass panels like the G1000, G3X, or GTN750, I have to go with TAA. I don’t need to be second-guessing blurry numbers while scanning and trying to stay ahead of the airplane.


DLSS 4 incudes some major improvements to issues that MSFS has, such as screen ghosting in the new Super Resolution. We’ll have to see, but for now, DLSS is not idea for MSFS since it makes the screens less crisp and causes that annoying ghosting


I completely agree with the topic’s title. TAA is both FPS-heavy and far from visually perfect—it causes terrible shimmering.


Yup DLSS is blurry.


TAA and DLSS both have gross blurs and artifacts. Jaggies are comparatively fine - these cures are worse than the disease.

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Let me put some facts straight here.

First of all:
DLSS and TAA can’t be compared directly, because it is apples and oranges.
TAA is a post-processing anti aliasing method, while DLSS is an AI-driven upscaler by super sampling that ALWAYS uses a baked in anti-aliasing method called DLAA. Whenever you are using DLSS you are also automatically using DLAA, but not vise versa.
So, the only valid comparison here would be TAA vs DLAA. Both is native resolution.
All the major ghosting and artifacts come from the upscaler/super sampling in DLSS (also frame generation will significantly decrease image quality but we are not looking at that now).

Having said that, currently DLAA is considered the ultimate standard for anti-aliasing and it will very likely extend its lead further more with each and every new version since the AI models are getting better and better over time.
In a 4K scenario DLSS on quality mode is very often superior to TAA in native 4K.
If you enable DLAA (not DLSS) in MSFS2024 you will get the best possible image quality, but of course it is very demanding on the GPU.

Secondly, you can’t generalize here. It all depends on the way TAA or anti-aliasing is implemented in a specific video game engine.
One very bad example would be the Resident Evil 2 and 3 Remake PC ports. TAA is implemented so unbelievably bad here (and is sadly the only AA option) that you have to use mods that will swap TAA with DLAA to get clean and high image quality.


Yeah exactly. I’m flying mainly Airbus types in Virtual Reality and there it’s important to be able to read the numbers and text. I really tried different ways to make use of DLSS but in the end it was less smooth than TAA for me.

There are actual ways to get rid of the ghosting in DLSS by increasing the secondary scaling. But there is almost no performance gain left and it felt quite heavy for the GPU then.

So for me up to now the best option is TAA at least in MSFS2020.

But I’m keen to see what the new DLSS will bring in quality. If instruments are better readable and the ghosting is gone, will give it a try again.


One can compare apples and oranges—they’re both fruits, after all :slight_smile: And this is clearly a comparison for MSFS. No need for a scientific dissertation :laughing:

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Everyone is free to have their own standards. Apples and oranges…I guess. :slight_smile: