DLSS option disappeared SU11

Hello. I just installed a new SSD and I did a clean installation of Windows 11 and MSFS. Since this morning everything has been working very well and I noticed a decrease in performance tonight. Looking in the options I notice that the DLSS option has disappeared! I no longer know how to choose DLSS. The DLSS3 Frames generation option is visible and works! I can’t find the problem.

Édit: I’m not sure now that DLSS 2 was activatable this morning. Now I realize that no and no other idea for me where the problem comes from.

Rtx4090 - 7950X3D - win11 - 64gb Ram - SSD Corsair MP700 2T

Only works with DX12 I think.

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So a few things:

  1. DLSS / Frame Gen are only available when the sim is set to DX12.
  2. You also have to enable the following:

How To Enable Hardware-Accelerated GPU Scheduling

  1. Navigate to the Graphics settings menu. …
  2. Toggle on Hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling.
  3. Reboot your PC.
  4. In your game, go to the Graphics menu in settings.
  5. Click on DLSS Frame Generation.
  6. Start your game.

Thank you for the answers but I expressed myself badly. DLSS3 (Frames Generation) works. DLSS2 does not work. I only have the AMD FSR 2.0 option and not DLSS… I have an Rtx 4090 GPU. I’ve tried everything I don’t understand! Everything you ask me to do is already activated.

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It’s not the problem. I run MSFS on DX12.


My problem is DLSS2 and it run with DX11 or 12.

There was a bug some time ago dealing with the same thing:

Anyway with a 4090 you may want to go TAA + frame generation. It´s better for quality and the card will not suffer at all under TAA. I even use it with 125% scaling as anything above 100% activates the supersampling, resulting in better looking antialias. As you are running a lower native resolution than me it will even hurt less your performance. DLSS involves a performance boost but based on a quality reduction. I don´t think is intended for the 4090, even if it´s still possible.


Hello yes I saw the topic but nothing helped me. I really don’t understand. I simply changed SSD and since then, no more DLSS2 option. Thank you for the answer.

I found the solution… install Windows and MSFS from 0… I now have DLSS2 :man_facepalming:t2:

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