This is VR subforum. Frame generation doesn’t work in VR, resolution in VR is so huge that it will gladly consume full capacity of 4090. No need to go for DX12, DX11 is more stable.
Flying is much more fun with a joystick or yoke plus even the cheapest throttle quadrant compared to X-Box controller.
So You think, because using a joystick is a better experience, there is no need for asobo making a xbox gamepad 100% working and leave their bugs as they are for years?
Asobo is not reading this forum. There is a separate subforum for reporting bugs. But I doubt if they pay much attention to it. You can also raise a ticket to them, but I wouldn’t be optimistic regarding the outcome of such ticket.
Here you can find your fellow VR enthusiasts who may offer you help with VR specific issues.
As I’m also a real world pilot I can’t imagine flying in the sim without my yoke, rudder pedals and throttles. It ads so much to the VR immersion. But we all have different needs.
Whats the point of using this version instead of the one thats shipped with the game (2.4?) 3060 Ti, 2560 x 1440 gameplay. DLSS looks still like crap in this res, right?
I’m using DLSS in VR (Pimax Crystal), super high resolution 4600 x 5443 per eye and it looks great (DLSS Quality). However I still use the DLSS runtime provided with the sim I doubt if new version will provide any benefits without integration into sim by Asobo.
If DX12 is crashing try deleting all data from your Nvidia shader caches
I changed to the latest DLSS (3.5.1) and find it to have less ghosting.
Just made a test. 4090, 7800x3d, hags off, 32gb ddr5 6000mhz cl30, 1440p ultrawide, win11.
FPS IN COCKPIT (DLSS 2.4.12 vs 3.5.10, DX11 vs DX12)
- DX11, DLSS 2.4.12 101 fps
- DX11, DLSS 3.5.10 85 fps
- DX12, DLSS 3.5.10 82.2 fps
- DX12, DLSS 2.4.12 81.7 fps
Conclusion: DX11 with stock DLSS 2.4.12 is far better for FPS.
Here is screenshots: DLSS_Comparison - Google Drive
There is a really good video recently posted on YouTube about how DLSS works…. I wont even try to explain it here, but the TLDR is DLSS is a form of AI which provides better resolution as more data points are added into its algorithm.
Thanks for sharing all your hard work. This is really interesting. This isn’t definitive though. There are a lot of things that can affect these results. These are the results for your system and you haven’t provided any details about your system at all (apologies if you have and I’ve missed them) so they can’t serve as anything other than what you experience on an unknown machine.
4090, 7800x3d, hags off, 32gb ddr5 6000mhz cl30, 1440p ultrawide, win11.
As far as I know there ist no VR support since DLSS 3
Thanks! Very interesting results indeed. I have same CPU and GPU so I won’t have to do the tests thanks to your hard work!
You mean Frame Generation? Yes, Frame generation cant be used with VR. Sure you can copy-paste dlss 3.5.10 and i can tell, there is minor improvement specially with gauges, but that is only resolution upscaling tech.
Well, sure you should make a test. I dont know why im getting some much better FPS with DX11 vs DX12, but i just having it. Someone else has dx12 better or same.
Updated to SU14 from beta. So my results did take new turn!
DX11 (stock DLSS) 84fps
DX12 (stock DLSS) 87fps
So my earlier “DX11 is better” benchmark was just garbage.
SU 14 brings 3.5.10 DLSS inside, so no need to update
Not for me, updated whit the dlss swapper.
version 3.5.10 is already after update SU 14 …
so your swapper nothing done… just rewrite this version again …
is it so hard to understood???
DLSSG 3.5.10 was shipped with SU14
DLSS was still 2.4 with SU14
at least with the steam version.