Do you believe MSFS is getting good someday?

MSFS has redefined what a flight simulator is and I do believe deeply that given a few years from now, it’ll continue to transform into an even better platform.


Exactly why should we have to wait a “few Years”. Tell me exactly why it was not “as real as it gets” on august 20, 2020? I would love to hear your answer, because thousands of purchasers have been sorely disappointed with how the sim has been released and how it’s stands today. MAJOR, (big name developers) have been very reluctant to build and release planes to this sim because of its bugs. So, you as an expert, make the case, all of us users here having or had issues want to hear it!


Brilove - I suggest you look at all the new posts today, showing SU9 is a mess. I have included one link here. Thanks Alot SU9 - Community / General Discussion - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

I suggest you re-think your position, this game (and that is what it is) is the biggest CF I have ever seen. The bugs will just make more people like myself take it off system and curse the day we fell for the hype of “as real as it gets”.

XP-11 also is not bug free, but I can open it, setup flight and complete that flight with no CTD’s, memory errors, or program interruptions. That the AP in the plane I fly is buggy is not XP’s issues, the plane was ported over from XP-09, so it’s got issues. I will wager, again, PMDG et-al, delays their 737 additional time because of the “new bugs” in this mess. Welcome to the world “as real as it gets” hoopla. I was wrong on the PMDG delay, it’s releasing May 09, 2022.


I have faith.
I’m still going to be miffed about the state of some things after three years though.

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I think it’s like yogurt you forgot at the back of your fridge, it was good, then got bad. But it if you leave it in there long enough, it might get good again.


It is already good. I am waiting for it to be great.


I really do like your (intended?) pun:
Terra-bytes :joy::+1:

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It is a great game. It is a very open world so its complicated to get it right everywhere.

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The PC-6 prop is spinning! One off of my list got checked!!!

P3D and XP are becoming legacy software at this point. Almost all of the major 3rd party developers have already abandoned P3D and stopped making new add-ons for P3D, only providing support for their past P3D products. As for XP 12, it still doesn’t have satellite & photogrammetry for the entire world, with a company like Blackshark AI converting 2D satellite objects into 3D satellite objects. In the preview videos for XP 12, the graphics look much better than XP 11, but the graphics in the preview of XP 12 are still behind MSFS. Not to mention the FPS looks pretty bad in the preview video of XP 12.

XP 12 hasn’t been released yet, but I expect the graphics and FPS to be worse than MSFS when it’s released. To be honest, the FPS in MSFS is amazing, for the level of graphics we get. And I think the FPS in MSFS can be improved even further when Microsoft/Asobo start to optimize with DirectX 12.


How does fixing any feature or default aircraft previously published make Microsoft any money?

i mean it WAS until SU 9… i have some hope for the future and especially WASM fox for xbox consoles!

I love MSFS. I am grateful we have a Flight Simulator on the market with the ability to travel the world in 3D and experience the joy of flying. It is a wonderful idea. I find Photogrammetry mind-boggling :slight_smile:

Instead of buying MSFS outright, I subscribed to Game Pass Ultimate to try MSFS and a couple of strategy games.

I cancelled my subscription in November last year, because of the CTDs and general quality and stability issues I was experiencing on PC after SU5. Troubleshooting was way too time consuming for me.

I was initially planning to reinstall in early 2023.

I came back today on the forum to catch up. It seems SU9 was just released. I was hoping to find reasons to come back earlier than I had planned.

2023 it is.
Hopefully powerful GPUs will be cheap and plenty by then.


I can save you the time, and say that this will never happen. The only cheap GPU you will find is an older generation one, which wouldn’t be considered powerful any more.

That said, because MSFS is kind of tied to the consoles to some degree feature wise, if your GPU can currently run it, and you are mainly CPU bound, you probably don’t need anything more powerful any more.

If you are CPU bound now you would be better off spending your money on a new CPU, and stick with your current GPU. I’m keeping a keen eye on the latter half of the year and the 13th Gen. Intel chips.


I was hoping to grab a GPU powerful enough for MSFS at a more reasonable cost by then, like a 3080ti or equivalent…
And yes you’re absolutely right. I am also keeping an eye on 13th gen intel and Zen4.

If MSFS was stable today, I would not hesitate to spend a few grands in hardware to enjoy it hours on end. What I am reading on the forums indicates it would be foolish to expect stability with SU9, please correct me if I am wrong.

Those with issues tend to shout louder than those that don’t, that’s my take on it. There are issues, and probably always will be, but not to the degree that some may have you believe. Look at the posting history of those that haven’t hidden their profiles, as this can be revealing.

I don’t tend to get CTD’s any more, but I used to. I identified possible causes of these crashes, eliminated them, and now my sim is stable. Others may throw their hands in the air in despair, and instead of working through the problem decide the sim is 100% at fault, claim it can’t be fixed, and spend their time trying to persuade others on the forums to think the same way, and not use their time to find out why they are having issues.

I prefer to do the former.


It’s absolutely gotten better, and, yes, it is worth for me to keep it on my computer. I access it nearly every day. As a real life private pilot, I love how it simulates the Warriors I fly for real and that it gives me access to fly other aircraft, and the realism, to me, is quite stunning. I’m so happy I’ve upgraded and spent a few thousand dollars on a new computer, graphics card, and HP G2 VR headset, as well as most of the addons I’ve purchased (I’m at the point where I have too many planes and not enough time to fly them all).

Should you keep it on your drive? I have no idea. That’s up to you and your priorities.


This will answer your question :wink:

It´s not only worth 1000GB on a drive - it´s worth getting it´s own NVMe drive to be installed on.

Wow, what kind of storage are you running?

I don’t think consumer technology exists to have local storage of the MSFS data. Azure is definitely the way to go.

I have 28TB of storage. No big deal these days, not cheap but cost much less than my laptop.

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