I usually don’t, but put Spotify on in the background today on a 3 1/2 hour cruise with a stop half way to get gas in the 152. It was surprisingly OK, kind of like cruising on the freeway. Used the Xbox game bar to mix it half and half over the engine drone of the Cessna.
I can’t see doing it much in something like the Cubs or the Shock, even the 152 you have to pay attention the whole time to your ADF and/or VOR. But in a plane where you basically get to cruise altitude and click on Autopilot, absolutely. At that point you’re kind of just waiting.
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Sure thing. Audiobooks are also great when you get to cruise.
Would be great that if like in real life that the music would pause when ATC was broadcasting on the frequency.
When in cruise I am listening to music all the time, expect when using vatsim. Even if there is no AP
It looks like there’s an sound option which made ATC voice broadcasted via communication channel. Not sure if that’s exactly what you are looking for
I just hit the pause button on the keyboard when I heard ATC come on.
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Just play music from wherever in the world you are flying.
All the time, I never play without music
Yeah not sure how that works. Right now I fly with the simulated headphones or whatever that setting is.
Now this is awesome right here.
Thank you!
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Anyone listen to the Black Box Down podcast? It’s a podcast about aviation disasters. Each episode goes over an incident in good detail (even for a aviation newbie) and also goes over what’s changed in the industry since then to make it safer.