Does anyone use PSXT+ Real Traffic?

Wouldn’t work. PSX draws real world ADS-B data and those movements get mirrored in sim. How would ATC or a client know what the real world is doing?

Been using it for years since P3D, best traffic ‘realism’ available up to now. Does impact fps but setting the radius down to 3nm while on the ground does help if you are at KLAX, EGLL, RJTT … etc

Again radius is just for airborne aircraft. Parking % is for AI parked at the airport you are at. That’s the one that will affect FPS. Setting the percentage to 0% and unchecking the static parked with leave just live aircraft. Remember to hit ENTER in the window to lock in the changes.

If the skies are busy with aircraft any reduction in populating those while on the ground helps fps.

Made 4 or 5 flights and im very impressed. Doesn’t noticed any frame Degradation. I think i will use it longer after the first month has finished

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How is he getting himself to show up on the FR24 screen? Or is he literally doing the exact same flight as a real World Jet blue, and happens to be in the exact same position on the sim as the real world

Have you noticed any crazy aircraft actions? Such as spinning on the taxiways or not departing or landing? Or just turning hard left after landing?

Indeed. There is an option in PSXT “block Aircraft”. You enter the callsign of the flight you want to be and that particular live aircfaft will not be spawn in MSFS, so you can take its place, without being afraid for collisions. Very handy if you want to land at very busy airports.

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I posted earlier about a FedEx MD11/DC10 spinning round on the cargo apron at Sea-Tac. It was behaving like that on FR24 so must have been a glitch

Yeah I saw that after I already posted my reply! So all in all you’re happy with it? And while flying there’s a good amount of aircraft in the sky as well? Obviously I want a lot of realistic traffic. But I also don’t want it where I am constantly having to go around to be able to land lol. I fly to big airports like KLAX, KATL, KORD. Which are always busy.

How does it work with add on ATC programs though? Can I still use Pilot2ATC or proatc or FSHud for myself?

You can use any ATC for yourself but obviously because it isn’t aware of the Live traffic, being cleared to taxi in to position and hold for example may be inaccurate, if there’s something about to land/depart.

I’m definitely happy paying £10 a month for it. I appreciate the limitations and perhaps still have some tweaking to do.

I use live ATC and tune the correct frequencies so I can at least hear the real world chatter. TCAS isn’t something I manage to get working on the FBW 320 so I can’t see the live traffic besides looking out the window

And then do what when you’re flying? Like use no ATC? Or do you try and follow the live ATC with said plane you are flying?

So far i have not

I’m yet to try and replicate a real world flight although I imagine that could appear quite immersive. I use no ATC given that I hate the robotic sound of the default and I haven’t looked in to add ons yet

The Fenix A320 is the only aircraft I know of that does not see PSXT aircraft. I have contact with their developers, we will work on a solution in a few months from now. It will be fixed. Note that you can also use LittleNavMap to see the traffic.

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I need to get my setup expanded properly, just lack time atm. Only today I subscribed to Navigraph!

Just need some cabling to get my side screen up and running, then ill be able to have some my graphs and that Navi map you mentioned without needing to ALT + TAB all the time

The app psx interacts with Real Traffic which uses a combination of sources. What you see on FR24 is what you’ll see in your sim.

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Hi. So as per your helpful comment on my Youtube reply, I looked into setting the traffic to display at my destination airport. I entered KLAX in the ‘User destination airport’ box but still, nothing showed until I had landed

You probably forgot to press Enter after you typed KLAX

(It is all in the Manual…)

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I’m going to read through the manual in more depth today, but I did hit enter. I did not however enter a gate number in the field next to it.

On the bottom green part, it even popped up saying ‘KLAX is the Destination’