Does MSFS2024 actually work for anyone?

It’s working, sure, but it’s very ugly looking most of the time with a choppy frame rate. Only around certain areas it looks decent where there isn’t too much photogrammetry or busy/heavily populated cities e.g. or where fog, haze, and clouds conceal the draw distance, then it looks somewhat decent.

I’m actually still in a state of shock to see how a product this bad looking and bad performing actually made it to the approved list of Gamepass games “ready to play”.

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I think the real issue is lack of optimisation and servers not built or ‘tuned’ to handle all that data and users around the world.

If they got MSFS '20 to look and perform so well before SU15, they can certainly do the same with 2024. It’s an unoptimised mess, unfortunately. Thankfully, just trying it out on Gamepass but I truly feel bad for people who preordered the game, and especially the full edition.

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Well there are new surprises every Day. Today i have only the Standard Planes available. I have bought the Collectors edition for 270 € and get the Version vor 80 €. Very good work on that other end of the Pond. Thank You!!


Yes, it works.

Some tips that may help everyone, on Xbox at least:

  • Set a rolling cache size to 32GB or higher
  • Enable the bare minimum content. So, WUs and CUs, but don’t enable any “extras” like object libraries, seafront vessels, enhanced airport graphics and textures, bespoke airport/scenery packs, landmark libraries, etc.
  • When you zoom in on the map, wait for a while let the stuff load in, then begin your flight. Once you’re in the flight, give it another few seconds to let everything load in properly. Then have a go!
  • Don’t have too many third party aircraft enabled.
  • Disable live AI traffic
  • Not sure if disabling multiplayer makes a difference although I’ve left it enabled as it can mess with live weather being turned off on its own. It turns off on its own from time to time anyway, but less so with MP enabled. Strange…
  • Speaking of MP, I have not ran into a single fellow aviator in the skies. What gives?

Still piece of scrap. Cant fly more than 20 min because crash to desktop.

I find rolling cache of 64Gb is ideal

Not many people using MP on 2024 and you won’t see anyone that is because nameplate distance has been nerfed to 5 miles. So anyone further than that, no nameplate

Totally gave up using 2024 VR, back to 2020. Might get back into it after better VR capability. Good luck folks!!

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