Does MSFS2024 actually work for anyone?

Well there are new surprises every Day. Today i have only the Standard Planes available. I have bought the Collectors edition for 270 € and get the Version vor 80 €. Very good work on that other end of the Pond. Thank You!!


Yes, it works.

Some tips that may help everyone, on Xbox at least:

  • Set a rolling cache size to 32GB or higher
  • Enable the bare minimum content. So, WUs and CUs, but don’t enable any “extras” like object libraries, seafront vessels, enhanced airport graphics and textures, bespoke airport/scenery packs, landmark libraries, etc.
  • When you zoom in on the map, wait for a while let the stuff load in, then begin your flight. Once you’re in the flight, give it another few seconds to let everything load in properly. Then have a go!
  • Don’t have too many third party aircraft enabled.
  • Disable live AI traffic
  • Not sure if disabling multiplayer makes a difference although I’ve left it enabled as it can mess with live weather being turned off on its own. It turns off on its own from time to time anyway, but less so with MP enabled. Strange…
  • Speaking of MP, I have not ran into a single fellow aviator in the skies. What gives?
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Still piece of scrap. Cant fly more than 20 min because crash to desktop.

I find rolling cache of 64Gb is ideal

Not many people using MP on 2024 and you won’t see anyone that is because nameplate distance has been nerfed to 5 miles. So anyone further than that, no nameplate

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Totally gave up using 2024 VR, back to 2020. Might get back into it after better VR capability. Good luck folks!!

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Yes, I have yet to encounter a single MP aircraft even while flying for over an hour. I’ve enabled the option that lets you see MP within close proximity.

I’ve recently upped my rolling cache to 64GB too. Good results, overall.

For me it’s always very bad and I mostly fly with MSFS2020. Bugs, poor performances… In fact I don’t find any reason to play with MSFS2024. I’ve got about 3000 hours playing with MSFS2020 in 2,5 years

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It’s already better than 2020… The problems I have with the game are not VR related.

Personal Comments and Observations

Slowly getting there. Big wins for me this past week and a half:

Got MrTommyMxr’s excellent JT-A Mod to work in FS2024 - say goodbye to the anemic stock naturally aspirated (gah) C172.

Ditto for his DA62X and DA40NG Mods - although I fly the twin more than the single.

Alex Albar got a Beta of his invaluable Little Nav Map utility to interface with the new sim. Hurrah! My VFR moving map is back.

Mobiflight also got their beta running with 20 and 24 support, so all my custom commands now work with only one version. Very nice. Hubhop has been updated immensely with aircraft specific commands so check it out if you haven’t browsed it in a while.

I finally got my in-game Controller Mappings mostly under control. Still have very strong feelings against the three tier system, but whatever. I got it all working for the planes I needed.

Broken FS2024 Stock Aircraft? Off with their heads! I disabled the Cirrus SR22 from '24 and got back my '20 version that works flawlessly. Same thing with my beloved FFX Vision Jet. MS-Asobo version away with thee.

I actually managed three (more or less correct) IFR flights with stock ATC. Some stuff is still cringey/broken and notably no step climbs but everything else worked just like FS2020 without mods. Okay, I’ll take it. Pro-Tip: I used Litlte Nav Map’s new ability to export FS2024 specific .PLN files and zealously triple-checked the stock EFB didn’t play settings/route roulette right up until the point I click Send to ATC and Avionics. Places that the EFB tends to screw with your plan - Cruise Altitude and inserting Departures/Arrivals. I play it just like FS’20 - set Direct on both, let me handle it in-cockpit after I hear ATIS tell me the active, amend the plan before engine start.

I filed four tickets with Zendesk and got at least one repro’d/bug-logged.

It’s not even close to being the sim I’ll click on first, but we’re making progress without any sim-side updates. :+1:


What is better ? It’s slow, bugs everywhere, graphics are not better…

I have done a complete flight in VR yesterday for an hour and half flying Longitude. Performance-wise everything is perfect using TAA with Quest 3 and High-Ultra mixed settings. I definitely prefer 2024 over 2020. The bugs… It is so hard to guess when the sim will work. I restarted the flight 3 times to start with. When it works, it’s amazing but so unstable and the bugs are killing all the immersion. Especially the ones in VR. :neutral_face: I also find the LOD terrible. Airplanes with no landing gear etc etc. (This is with 180 LOD)

The graphics are better for me. It’s faster for me. There are a lot of bugs, but the engine itself is far more efficient. My CPU doesn’t work as hard and my FPS is better at same/similar settings. The bugs are plenty, but it’s so much better, as long as you can be happy flying the bug free aircraft it’s pretty incredible. If you really want to fly one of the buggy aircraft however, you’re kinda screwed.

(post deleted by author)

After installing the latest Nvidia drivers and installing/swapping to DlSS 4 MSFS 2024 works fine for me. The stutters have gone and i get FPS over 120 (on RTX 4070 TI) with settings on a combination of high and ultra.

I mainly use the free flight mode, nearly always with Cessna 172 (for sentimental reasons, i got my first real live flying lessons on it). But i assume the other parts of the sim give the same results.

After the new drivers the slow start of the sim (hanging on 6%) when FPS was limited is also solved.

So i am happy for now, i hope they don’t break to much with coming updates :joy:

I have no clue how to fix these blurry runways when approaching. Everything loads okay, but it’s always the runway.

Where is this?

Frankfurt by Aerosoft.

Hm, how much VRAM do you have?