Don’t buy RTX 3090

From my personal experience, cherish your current GPU and hold off until MSFS gets better optimization. The new Nvidia 30 series won’t, I repeat, WON’T make a difference towards quality or frames until Asobo does something about it.
I am seeing almost the same amount of performance and FPS when I had my good old 2080Super!

L.A. is still unplayable with a rtx3090 at ultra settings.


Yup my friend is going through the same disappointing thing. 21fps in the A320 neo cockpit at orbx KBUR and terrible stuttering after take off.

Funny go into external view and it shoots up to 45+
I think the cockpits are maybe unoptimized.

My feeling is for Airliners for now just use another sim. We did KBUR to KDEN in the flight flactor A320 in Xplane 11 and it’s just another level. Yeah the scenery is no where near to FS but ultimately it works and with his 3090 he is getting 70+ FPS always vulkan and of course the XP11 flight model is good too.


Even my 2080 is being held back by my CPU’s main thread. I rarely see more than 75% GPU usage, with typical loads being less than that.

Although after the last patch, I can now maintain a solid 30+ fps at most locations with a UWQHD monitor and settings with a mix of ultra and high. In the busy areas, I can drop down to about 25 in busy cities. So I’m happy with what I have.

Apparently, the next patch will be adding more CPU optimization and load balancing across cores, which should increase performance even more.


really? What CPU are you running? I max out my RTX2080Super Gaming OC card at 98 - 99% pretty much for the entire game. Thats with my Rysen 3700X CPU, also maxxed out at 4.3Ghz.

I have a Ryzen 2700X locked all cores at 4.1 GHz (I won the silicone lottery). My son has a 3800X and a 1070 and ne never sees full usage of his GPU either. Tyically 80-ish%.


I take it back. Taking off at KJFK right now and it’s hitting 89%. That’s the highest I’ve seen it yet. That’s likely why my frame rates have increased.

Consider caching LA manually. It reduces CPI load to some degree in my opinion

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Is the cache fixed now? When the sim released the manual cache was broken

Old dx11 engine


What CPU does he have?
I could maintain 35-45fps around Burbank, exterior view it increased to 50-60 fps. You’re right about the cockpit view, it’s not well optimized. Even with GA aircrafts

Keep in mind, with my old 2080super I was getting close these numbers as well.

Idk if DX12 will make a difference

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This thread should be titled “don’t buy a 3090 for MSFS.” There are plenty of reasons to get one.


This forum is obviously for MSFS only


What resolution are you running though?

I’m on 1440p 144 MHz

I noticed a big difference. I’m on 100% usage on 4k ultra. 3090

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Are you playing with Ultra settings? If so what fps are you getting?

Yes on ultra everything with live traffic and rex weather. Mainly flying around Sydney with orbx cityscape. I have only been flying with the tbm at the moment getting 45 - 55 fps. Needs dx12 to get more out of the cpu. I won’t be using airliners until Pmdg drops then I may have issues

I’m just curious… With your own words, why should they use DX12 instead of DX11?
Why is DX12 better? You tell me, ok? Just because 12 is bigger than 11, so it has to be better?
And I don’t expect answers from anyone else now. I want this fellow to answer me, because he clearly understands these things, like so many other experts here… (FYI, yes, I do)


If you’re on the sim , can you try it out with the A320 and tell me what fps you’re getting with the same settings?
I’m just curious because if I have to upgrade my resolution then I wanna be able to play the sim without stutters.

I’m not on it at the moment just at work. I’ll check it out tonight and let you know