Is there any benefit to the download version or buying the discs and installing them? Thanks!
Benefit to download is that you don’t have to put a disc in every time you want to play your simulator, which you will if you purchase the DVD version.
With the disc wouldn’t I just be downloading to the hard drive like in previous versions? You are saying if I purchased the discs I would need to have the disc in the machine to run the sim? I will be downloading it but just was wondering if any benefit. I guess a benefit would be if you needed to uninstall-reinstall you would have the hard discs to do it and probably faster install I would assume.
I got the download version but after install and initial trial flight etc. on returning the following day to play sim it stopped when starting the sim and asked for the disc to be installed? to continue?? Still trying to find whats gone wrong
If you purchase the disks there is no download other than updates. Purchasing disks and having the download version is two seperate transactions and would cost you twice.
Launch it from the XBox app and see if the fixes it for you. I had to do that this morning.
DVD package contains about 90GB of installation packages which you would need to download if you bought MS Store/Steam version. However, even with the disks you’d still need to download core game and any future updates.
So, benefit of DVD version is preseving bandwidth if you’re on a limited one, or if your connection is slow and/or unreliable.
You’re quite sure that, with the disc version, you’ll need to have the disc loaded each time you want to launch…?
Thanks for suggestion but as I said I was tryin to find fix and found turning off Nord VPN cured it. Tried second time after turning VPN back on to start sim and worked OK?
Thanks, appreciate the feedback!
Don’t take this the wrong way but, who even HAS a DVD drive? I don’t mean that to sound high-horsey, but I have literally not owned a DVD drive in close to a decade…Gosh, I don’t even know where you would buy one, or where I would put it. I haven’t even seen a computer with room for a DVD drive outside of the desktop at the local liquor store for just as long…
Genuinely curious, but whats your use case for this? Are you in a low-bandwidth internet area?
No not at all, just asking as all previous versions were discs. I have ultra high bandwidth so not an issue. Thanks agaiin!
Yeah thats fair. One advantage is if there is a nuclear apocalypse and you somehow save your desktop from getting cooked, you can play MSFS until its safe to go outside.
Also, if you’re a retail outlet, it might be beneficial to have the discs lying around.
Otherwise I would go full download. In most countries, you retain most of the same “software rights” as someone with a physical copy. Plus, microsoft isn’t going anywhere, so I expect the game will be here for a while to come.
Yes, 100% sure
That is shocking to say the least.
Thanks again!
I still have a DVD drive, handy if you want to rip a few mp3 to your chosen media player. Also still got box version MFS X deluxe, but not installed at present.