Would be fair to indicate it’s a payware and give it’s price.
Another point: on products page of your site, you locate Russia in Europe !
As far as I know, it’s not the case.
Without getting into politics, Moscow is geographically located on the European continent.
I am so looking forward to this implementation of Renton, on of my favorite airports! Have been following the progress on Facebook for a while now. The only fear is that all the details will kill the frame rates …
Russia is partly part of Europe - so it is the case
Moscow is not all Russia, and yes only partly: 75% on Asian continent, only 25% on European continent.
With 3/4 of territory in Asia, I can’t consider this country as geographicaly European.
I guess I have to buy this so I can do a delivery flight for the 737 when PMDG releases it.
Fair - Good thing it doesnt matter what you consider then
The most important parts of Russia are in Europe, the government is sitting in Europe and the airports on their product page are located in Europe.
Looks fantastic!
Don’t see any info on release date though.
Awesome! Would be great if we could also get Paine airfield with the adjacent Boeing facilities
Looking forward to this. After seeing all the press/reviewers having a day at Renton to compare the sim to the real world in all the pre-release previews, it was disappointing that Renton wasn’t one of the ‘premium’ release airports with the sim.
I read from PMDG that they were going to use DD to make some videos for their new 737. I’m wondering if this will have anything to do with the other when it releases.
Lets hope its FPS friendly, their track record recently has taken a real hit. Moscow UUEE is still a mess.
It is out! but I will wait for a review Not burning 20USD on an airport that will probably be unplayable on my machine!
The new airport, KRNT, which I bought today is excellent! In addition to the nice looking airport, you can go through the aircraft factory and watch the 737’s being built. I think this is a first for add-on scenery. The frame rate is good too!!
There is a reasonable freeware KPAE at flightsim.to. Def beats the default.
It does look fantastic!
There is supposed to be a surprise in there for PMDG owners when the 737 launches. Not sure if the factory was the surprise or not.
Bought it on JustFlight, was slightly cheaper than on SimMarket. And what can I say … THIS SCENERY IS AMAZING!!!
There are so many details, static planes, vehicles, animated people. And then there is the 737 assembly process. This has to be seen in the sim, it is utterly stunning! The fuselage is delivered by rail, cranes put it on a trailer which is pulled to the assembly facility, where it gets completed. Then comes one of the most amazing animations, where two ceiling mounted cranes transfer the fuselage from the completion area to the final assembly line. Watching this ballet of cranes really blew my mind! Then wings, gear and engines are added on the assembly line before the completed plane is pulled to the paint shop.
I watched all this while hovering the H145 inside the assembly building (yes, the doors are barely wide enough for the rotor of the H145), and no FPS problems at all (Ryzen 5, 2070 Super on an ultra-wide screen with TrackIR, locked to 30 FPS). Outside I did experience some minor stutters while the surrounding default photogrammetry was loading. After that, everything was smooth in the H145.
There is a PMDG 737 waiting for its maiden flight, and DD’s logo is nicely incorporated in the scenery as well