[Drzewiecki Design] - KRNT Renton Municipal Airport

Sure would be nice to know why this scenery takes so long for some of us but apparently not all. I even deleted it from my Community folder, cleared out the scenery caches from the sim, downloaded a new copy of the version 1.1 installer and reinstalled, but it made no difference.

I just grabbed this on the sale. It loaded great the first time now every time I try and load it I CTD on the loading screen? It is the only scenery I have installed?

Are you on Xbox? I know a while back there were reports of CTDs on console (around SU11, and also affecting other high memory use sceneries), but Iā€™d hoped it would be a bit better by now.
I donā€™t have it myself, though itā€™s on my wishlist - hopefully someone else can help a bit more.

I am on PC.

I have it on Xbox, had some CTD back in the day with the Bredok 737(ya I know lol) but nothing recent. I thought for sure RNT combined with the PMDG 737 and photogrammetry on, Iā€™d have CTDs or at the least some stutters. Can report that I have a smooth experience every time.

Did they ever fix the building that shows up in clouds/fog even from miles away?

I donā€™t believe so

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Thatā€™s a sim issue with certain textures, I think. I noticed it recently at another airport and meant to comment on it but I forgot and now I canā€™t even remember at which airport I saw it. Maybe iniBuildā€™s KDTW?

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I know KMDW does it as well. Seems to be a common DD issue. Other devs itā€™s not as obvious.

Believe it or not I still get bad performance @krnt even with a 5800X3D. I have not bought a single airport from that after that. I would imagine kewr,kpae is probably a massive slideshow on midrange hardware.

A lot of these devs run high end hardware so they push visuals to the limits.

Have not flown into/out of RNT in a long while, but KEWR (DD) now works great on Xbox Srs X. Would think it would run fine on a PC. EWR is now one of my favorites for the PMDG 737 and Asobo 787-10, no issues with either as long as traffic is off.

After the performance disaster of KRNT, I donā€™t buy airports anymore either. Iā€™m sure there are good ones out there but why spend the money and then delete it.

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I have what is now decidedly-midrange hardware in the fligth sim world these days - i7-11700KF, RTX 3070 - and KRNT runs fine for me, as does KPAE. The only issues I have with these airports are the loading times. Literally several minutes to spawn in every time. This has been reported by a few others but seems to be the exception rather than the rule. But once loaded in, performance for me is fine

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Yes, in-sim performance is fine and what you see is really good, however the extra load time, just for KRNT, remains at 2-3 minutes on my all SSD 13900 4080 32gb computer. Not willing to wait the extra time when itā€™s already 2+ minutes to start MSFS. Perhaps if I only loaded the sim once a day it would be Ok but thatā€™s not the case.

I wish it loaded that fast for me, lol. On my own all-SSD 32GB system, itā€™s like 8 minutes.

I have no issue with loading times. My specs are on my profile. Its the stutters. It depends on the plane too. If I load a default plane I have no issues.

Weird. I use KRNT with his scenery as my standard default airport to spawn in at when Iā€™m testing/doing dev stuff and I donā€™t see these long load times.

The long load times are on par with how long the PMDG 737 used to take for first-load WASM compilation. Subsequent loads of the aircraft would be much faster (like 2 minutes or less) but that first load would be very long. KRNT loads that slowly for me every time. Iā€™ve even gone as far as to delete and re-download it but still a long load time for me every single time. I have no idea why.

The sim is indeed weird. KRNT and other DD airports all load and run fine both on my XBoxX and my Ryzen 7 3700X with GTX1070 and 32Gig RAM. I alwys fly low and slow aircraft though so I figure thats the reason I never have any problems. My install is default so maybe thats it?

I posted my MSFS startup log in this forum on April 9 showing it taking 5 minutes to load a few items (5?) from the scenery. It was consistently slow at the same place each time I reviewed the log. I got the same response from people, me too or I donā€™t have any problems, but no resolution. No one ever posted thier log showing fast load times through that section. Seems to me that installing scenery add-ons is a crap-shoot in terms of impacts on your system so now I just donā€™t. Iā€™m generally a low and slow flyer as well (mostly Bonanza & 172, but also HJet, CJ4, & Longitude for longer distances), and really liked the KRNT scenery. Just not willing to sit through the load times. Some of you are lucky, some of us are not.