Duplicated objects and other problems after installing in-game purchased custom airports

Should I delete default Asobo airports if I am installing custom airports that I have purchased in-game, and if so how do I restore deleted Asobo airports if I want to revert back? (These are not community folder add-ons). The reason I ask is because I have found several problems after installing the free Aerosoft Paderborn airport and the purchased Innsbruck and Vienna/Schwechat airports. It appears that MSFS is displaying objects from both the original Asobo data plus the new airport data simultaneously.

  1. Duplicate ground lighting, for example taxiway lights, street lights, etc.
  2. Duplicate airport signage. Example the airport terminal name at Innsbruck is displayed twice with the text slightly displaced.
  3. Two windsocks initially appeared adjacent to each other at the threshold end of Innsbruck Rwy 26. One was responding to the live weather, the other was motionless and pointing in the opposite direction. This duplicate has since disappeared, but the other issues remain.
  4. Terrain undulations, particularly on taxiways and runways have become abrupt and exaggerated.
  5. Static aircraft and vehicles are sitting below ground level so that wheels are below surface level.
  6. Some areas of the airfields cause FPS drops and stuttering as if there is too much data at those points (duplicated terrain data?).
  7. New custom buildings and airport objects suddenly appearing long after the Sim had already been run several times. (There were no published updates for these airports since their release dates).

Please see attached photos.

Yes, if you are replacing Asobo hand-crafted airports with pay-ware, you will want to go into content manager and delete the Asobo versions. When you do this, they will still show up in content manager, but they will be marked “available for download”. If you want them back, just re-download them.

Thank you. Makes sense, but it was never explained anywhere. I guess I just assumed that the install process took care of everything. Problem now is that in Content Manager there is only an Asobo version listed for Innsbruck, so how do I delete the default airport data for Vienna/Schwechat and Paderborn?

Also as I did not delete the Asobo Innsbruck before installing the custom content, is it sufficient now to just go ahead and delete it after the fact.

Something does not seem right here.

I can only speak to Paderborn since it’s the only one you’ve listed that I have. I’ve been there a few times now and never seen the issues you’re seeing at Innsbruck. You would think that the payware developer would think to exclude the stock scenery. Before removing anything, I would suggest contacting ORBX.

You would only delete any Asobo hand-crafted airports when replacing them with pay-ware. There shouldn’t be any issues with non-handcrafted airports since the basis for customization is to always overwrite the default airport. IOW, only when Asobo and a third party developer both create custom scenery for the same airport is there a possibility of strange behavior due to conflicts. Some installers are now deleting the Asobo customized airports, but it always pays to check since that doesn’t always happen. Also, there can be issues with conflicts in the community folder affecting pay-ware airports in strange ways even when the conflicts do not actually involve the pay-ware airport. I had issues with the scenery for Key West not loading due to conflicting file names with two free-ware add-ons that were in my community folder.