Ease of applying mods is one of the best features of this game. Thanks MiSobo!

I was with FSX throughout its lifetime and modding that game was a pain in the behind. Just adding a plane involved messing about in Notepad adding entries to a text file.

Who remembers adding scenery and that flaky tiny little window that appeared listing all the scenery and you to do this magic double click wizard move while keeping the cursor away from the list to get it to add the scenery area?

How about adding a livery? :rofl:

As the years wore on things got easier as 3rd party installers did all that for you but for the many thousands of freeware addons you had to get comfortable with diving in and messing with text files.

So it was with some worry that I wondered what modding would be like in MSFS.

Wait. You just drop the mod folder into a folder called Community…and thats it? And you can do this for planes, scenery, library objects, airplane liveries, airplane mods? Any kind of mod? Yes…yes you can.

Just drop it into Community & go fly.

For this one extreme time saver and ease of use feature - thanks Microsoft & Asobo :grinning:


Agreed I’m completely grateful for the simplicity of the community folder…can even drag and drop livery addons without even needing to look for the corresponding aircraft folders. :tada:
Yup I summed up the old FSX addon install process here…

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I read your comment and it bought back a lot of memories which were aggravating back then but have a kind of nostalgic charm now looking back! The blurries…oh the blurries! And that d3d9 crash…

Only very late in the game did I finally vanquish the blurries and it was all due to nVidia Inspector.


Thanks to this tool and very detailed instructions i actually got rid of all blurries it was quite amazing.

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No way!!!
Those blurries haunted my arrival landings for ages!
Honestly with OOMs and blurries eleminated out of FSX…my build would have been pretty solid and enjoyable for a 16 year old sim.
As for the d3d9 crashes…mine were from particular aircraft’s fx effects(exhaust heat blur, lights, dust etc etc) simply deleting said effects from particular aircraft eliminated all of my d3d9 errors.

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What a simple easy fix, I wish I had known this!

Which reminds me I need to look for a distant vegetation mod for MSFS.

I agree , I still find some free ware .to stuff I add then not in my hanger ! Is it me or do others have same issue . Can see the file in community just no plane !

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I have seen this problem sometimes and fixed it by having just one folder. Usually an addon is two folders down, for example:

[C208 Improvement Mod]

I change it to:


This only happens now and then, I use the Addons Linker.

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Yeah the mod market is awesome and easy to apply. Good design!

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I find that setting Negative LOD bias to “clamp” does absolute wonders to eliminate blurries. It worked on FSX, and it also works on MSFS.

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