Have Devs lost their love for the Sim?

Not sure what prior sim experience some come from but before MSFS released I was still enjoying a very moody complex 325GB FSX folder build. The OOMs(out of memory errors) the d3d9 error crashes, the terrain blurries(from having way too many ORBX terrain product layers crammed in 4GB memory limit)
Not being able to enjoy a complex PDMG product and a high fidelity FS Dreamteam scenery together in unison with decent visual settings because of memory resource tug o wars.

Oh how about addons with older prior sim platforms?

In FSX/P3D certain addons required…

flakey registry entry methods

tricky scenery priority placement and conflicts

flakey addon module.xml entries and conflicts

Certain addons required an obstacle course of service pack 1& 2 components in whatever install order the sim was in the mood for.
A couple of wrong moves could completely destroy your dll.xmls and scenery priority.
So imagine installing multiple shiny new planes and scenery addons and installing them and then your fsx install catches an attitude and just refuses to load, welp time to backtrack what last addon install conflicted with what.

Compared to what MS/Asobo has produced now?
Easily removable simple drag n drop community folder addon functionalities?
An entire globe of replicated scenery/terrain 3d objects/photogrammetry actually optimized enough to not need performance sliders and the subconscious feelings of missing out on maxxed out object density sliders ?
Finally a sim that takes advantage of both cpu and gpu firepower?
Optimized shadows/lighting and clouds that cast down on terrain?

I understand that some may not come from the older sim platform experiences to truly appreciate what we have now, but i feel the devs are constantly making this sim an “old autogen era” simmer’s dreams come true! Everything we’ve truly wanted in older sims we are getting in due time. The things we always wanted a sim to be the devs are bringing to fruition because they have been dreaming it also!