Have Devs lost their love for the Sim?

I really don‘t understand the criticism. Especially in VR things have improved with update 8 (clickspots etc.). I haven’t had any real issues before nor after the update. It’s a beautiful piece of software and I enjoy every minute flying online with the FBW A 320.

Don‘t you remember all the problems with FSX (memory leak, absolutely incomparable weather, flat runways, clouds that looked like rectangles etc.)? And to be honest, the visual quality we see with MSFS2020, not to mention the fact that the whole world is projected, is absolutely stunning.

Asobo and Microsoft are doing their best to please us. I‘m happy to see the sim being updated so regularly. Of course problems pop up, but they‘ll be solved, I‘m sure.

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For the observant and perhaps seasoned simmer it was clear that we were sold a flyable sim that would evolve over the next years, 10 was set as the horizon.

I much, much prefer this approach over my FSX experience which was “finished” but did not materially mature over its existence, or xplane where you have to wait years between upgrades.

Granted it is a coaster ride, and I await every upgrade with dread, perhaps mostly because I read this forum too much. Have not had any material hiccups since launch, and ride have been downhill and fun so far.
Have not been plagued by bugs in any material way.


Seasoned simmer hits the nail on the head! :joy: Does age make you more patient and grateful? Probably yes.

MSFS will be a work in progress for the next eight or so years. When “that other” FS is released soon, some developers will migrate to that, some will work with both, and some will stay with MSFS. But assuming that profit and/or love of flight sims are motivators (which has always been the case) then developers will continue to have a love-hate relationship with MSFS for years to come - just like we do.

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Not sure what’s going on with OPs experience, but every SU has provided better VR performance and settings headroom for me.
Things feel much smoother and stable in VR with SU8.
It’s never felt this great in terms of fluidity for me in VR until now.


I don’t think so, I think in general the sim is very nice and its easy to skip the fact of streaming the entire world in glorious satellite imagery (which lets be honest, for our time, is very high quality) to our PC. That is still in my view an absolute masterpiece, whoever came up with the idea and implementation.

I just want more aircraft, not GAs, larger aircraft, VR also seems fairly good to me too.

Its got its issues, like any other sim, but overall right now - I am happy with it, but I’ll be more happier when we finally get the BAE 146, ATR, iniBuIlds, PMDG etc aircraft. I think it will really start to evolve at this point.

As for lost love…

This sim is their job not their romantic life.

Every once in a while I stumble upon an old thread and get to read and recall the problems folks were having when MSFS first released. All the major ones have been fixed.

People have new problems now, and most of them are far, FAR less significant or are based in unrealistic expectations.

I just spent the whole day yesterday in the vanilla sim on an XBOX One, streaming from the cloud with a gamepad. None of this was possible upon release. And there is an encyclopedic amount of content right there at your fingertips without even downloading a mod or add on.

Sometimes we get hung up on the one thing that bothers us instead of looking at the near infinite other things the sim gets right, or has fixed in the time since release.

The sim is meant to be a Jack of all trades and a master of none. If you want mastery, that is what 3rd Party devs are here for.


Given the number of very promising looking 3rd party aircraft on the horizon, I’m going to say “No.”

SU8 has been just fine for me. I exclusively use VR and it’s been smooth and stable for me in the flying I’ve done so far.

Not sure what prior sim experience some come from but before MSFS released I was still enjoying a very moody complex 325GB FSX folder build. The OOMs(out of memory errors) the d3d9 error crashes, the terrain blurries(from having way too many ORBX terrain product layers crammed in 4GB memory limit)
Not being able to enjoy a complex PDMG product and a high fidelity FS Dreamteam scenery together in unison with decent visual settings because of memory resource tug o wars.

Oh how about addons with older prior sim platforms?

In FSX/P3D certain addons required…

flakey registry entry methods

tricky scenery priority placement and conflicts

flakey addon module.xml entries and conflicts

Certain addons required an obstacle course of service pack 1& 2 components in whatever install order the sim was in the mood for.
A couple of wrong moves could completely destroy your dll.xmls and scenery priority.
So imagine installing multiple shiny new planes and scenery addons and installing them and then your fsx install catches an attitude and just refuses to load, welp time to backtrack what last addon install conflicted with what.

Compared to what MS/Asobo has produced now?
Easily removable simple drag n drop community folder addon functionalities?
An entire globe of replicated scenery/terrain 3d objects/photogrammetry actually optimized enough to not need performance sliders and the subconscious feelings of missing out on maxxed out object density sliders ?
Finally a sim that takes advantage of both cpu and gpu firepower?
Optimized shadows/lighting and clouds that cast down on terrain?

I understand that some may not come from the older sim platform experiences to truly appreciate what we have now, but i feel the devs are constantly making this sim an “old autogen era” simmer’s dreams come true! Everything we’ve truly wanted in older sims we are getting in due time. The things we always wanted a sim to be the devs are bringing to fruition because they have been dreaming it also!


I can’t speak for the devs, but I will say that it must be frustrating to be constantly reworking your creations. I feel the beta moved things forward considerably, but there are fundamental issues remaining. The “delete the Community folder” step in the upgrade process speaks volumes. It says there is still a lot of “breakage” with each update. I flew some amazing VR flights in live weather this morning, got an update, CTD’s started, renamed Community and all good. This sim is pushing the technology to it’s limits. It’s a bumpy ride for sure, but look at the history of flight sims. If the Xbox strategy did lower the bar, I am sure that bar is going to be raised back up again by other sims. We have seen what is possible, and getting there is a ton of fun, IMHO.

No, it means old mods may be incompatible with the new update. And they often are.

This is not MSFS exclusive. It is common for all kinds of software reliant on mods and updates.

Let’s keep expectations to scale and perhaps try to understand why Asobo shouldn’t be expected to test each patch against Jon57354279’s dank freeware Cessna liveries.


Of course, this is expected. No different from the other flight sim ecosystems. I guess my point is that you don’t expect each update to break ALL the mods in the Community folder. If that is happening, it means these updates are very large steps forward for the sim and the sdk. The new flight dynamics will be another large step forward. We are all keeping the pace, I hope.

maybe he means , it can be hell on devs, always needing to update their stuff that worked well.
i do think that is an overlooked issue.

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Software reliant on mods would try to ensure backwards compatibility. I know, it’s complex.

The fact that this needs to be explained, just proves that making SU/WUs optional would have been absolutely disastrous and a terrible idea that some here wanted.:rofl::joy:

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It likely is. But 3rd party devs understand they are neither 1st nor 2nd party.

Is this new to sims? No. Even mature sims like American Truck Simulator go through this every update.

Is it exclusive to sims? No. This is the way the world of audio and video work too. Upgrade your editing software and your favorite add ons may be incompatible for a good while.

Even upgrading your computer or OS can lead to these exact issues.

First parties update their stuff and (should) make sure 2nd party things (like the Fokker and Junkers) work. But they cannot be expected to do QC for 3rd party devs. It is literally the job of 3rd parties to keep up with developments and, as annoying as it can be for them, there are dozens of third party companies out there making add ons for MSFS so they must manage to turn a profit in spite of the updates. Let’s not forget, many of these updates have been requested BY 3rd party developers.

Freeware? That’s no man’s land. Enter at your own risk, and expect to get the support you pay for.

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My sim 8 crashed before I could even start the engine.
Also they simply lied about some of the fixes. They said that weather setting not saving is fixed, yet nothing has changed at all, it still resets to default upon starting the flight. This game is just bad, one would think that after 18 month the game would at least not crash to desktop. This is unacceptable.

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Did not notice “so many regressions”. Not a single one.
Scenery improved continously, my GPU usage reduced from 100% to 5% inspite of a higer level of detail, fps increased considerably, Asobo is working on an improved flight model, we will have sailplanes, helicopters within this year probably, and so on and on.

If you would pay for an update, as usual, YOU could motivate developers too.



this. Anyone who plays Beatsaber (with mods) knows every update breaks every mod always. The only game I know of where a game update doesn’t break mods or people’s savegame is X4: Foundations and those devs make it a point so game updates don’t break the game.

What we have is a community of people that feels exceptionally entitled to have the game developed the way they want it to be developed, not against any sort of standard of software development processes for any myriad of reasons like “i’m a first gen flight simmer since '84 and i demand these things fixed/added/updated” to “I paid $120 and it should work out of the box” and even including “my favorite plane isn’t working, the devs are awful.” It’s the result of living in a society with instant gratification. How many of us got mad the pizza delivery took longer than 30 minutes? How many of us are mad the sim is not working at 100% perfect with 1:1 realism against the real thing or mad that a plane is still buggy and blame it on the devs being “lazy” and “poorly prioritizing fixes.” I don’t think a single one of us works for Asobo and it’s completely naive to assume we know what’s going through their head. That’s why we have Q&As so we can ask and get clarification.

A better place for this thread would be the Q&A section. That way you can ask the devs themselves and get a real answer instead of a wide range of speculation and opinions from people that just say stuff because they think they know Asobo inside and out. Not saying about anyone specifically in the thread, it’s just a trend I notice in the comments for threads like these. I’d pose the question as something like “What do you do to prevent yourself from getting burnt out?” or “Do you ever feel too overwhelmed from the amount of stuff that needs to be fixed” or something.


The positive comments are 90% pc gamers first of all. I’m glad that it’s better on PC since they were playing this for years prior to the whole xbox crossover attempt disaster and ruining it for loyal simmers would have been a sad thing. 1 person you say on programming? They hired quite a few extra people and put them all on the marketplace. It’s all about money and agendas. 10 years finally, to see something gradually becoming better and better would be fine if the state it is in now was maturing and stable. It is not. Communication is non existent, sensitive questions are always avoided, comments that criticize are being flagged and dodge ball is played to perfection when it comes to accountability and taking responsibility for this mess.
Forums with people who all share the same goal and passion for flying should not have this much hostility towards each other because of an opinion, remark or question. I mean in general, not you personally or your post. Wow way too long reply😂 I just love to fly and get carried away. Sorry about that🤦‍♀️