Edinburgh Photogrammetry

Can I ask if it would be possible to include some Scottish cities, especially Edinburgh as Photogrammetry cities in the sim please? There are currently no cities in Scotland depicted with Photogrammetry in the sim. Edinburgh would be a great addition as it is the capital city of Scotland, a great historical city and UNESCO World Heritage Site. It has a castle, a royal palace, historical architecture, monuments, interesting scenery, large sports stadiums, a port. The photogrammetry cities in the UK are all in England at the moment.

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Don’t forget to vote for your own topic. :slight_smile:
You’d think the forum software would do this automatically, but it doesn’t.

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In the interim there is some (perhaps dated) photogrammetry available as a free add-on in flightsim.to

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Yeah, that’s what I use myself.

Hi, yes thanks, I have tried to add the other one on there, Edinburgh for Microsoft Flight Simulator | MSFS, but it did not show up, not sure why.

Probably because it is old and doesn’t take into account changes to the Virtual File System now in use.

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err of course its google maps that’s why its called photogrammetry that’s what it is. Orbx do landmark packs that pick out certain buildings but leave the rest as procedural unless you add it over PG

I’ve used the Edinburgh from fligtsim.to its very good

Google maps does not equal PG.

Bing also has 3D cities on its maps. Photogrammetry is a technique, taking images from multiple locations, and creating 3D objects from them, to build a 3D structure.

Also, have a look at TIN, which was developed before Google even existed.

It just happens to be that it’s often the case that Google’s 3D imagery is better than Bing’s, so in an area with no/poor TIN/PG, an addon is released that uses 3D imagery extracted from Google’s mapping tool.

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the point is PG comes from map data google / bing its immaterial but you cant accuse google of ripping it off ( not you the other poster) . like wise orbx does landmarks packs not photogrammetry

He means whoever created it ripped it off from google maps - a technique which is known to create issues with the sim

there are tons of Pg cities from google maps , i actually use the one in question ( Edinburgh) and its totally fine its actually one of the better ones

Apologies, I was getting mixed up with the tool that swaps out bing maps and overlays google maps into the sim

yeah sorry i think this thread got confusing i was referencing someone who said Edinburgh was a google maps rip off, buy orbx pack instead, well you cant rip off a city and PG is not a orbx landmark pack
that,s where i was coming from

No worries. PG for Edinburgh would be nice. For me the autogen city centre has never worked properly since the UK world update. See here:

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There are two excellent add-ons at Flightsim.to. One by Thalixte, one by Amazigh. The latter is amazing but it’s a huge file set and will tax some machines.


Mine is optimized. It is not just a rip off from Google Earth tiles. I suggest you to try:


a lot of PG IS optimized for msfs Thaxlites stuff is awesome i have lots of it

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Your PG mod for Edinburgh looks great, but as I’ve said before does not want to load on my sim for whatever reason? Thanks for your reply.

Hello. What is your config, and how did you installed the addon ? What level of detail do you use in the graphic settings ?

Installed the Sim on my PC, from my X-box ultimate game pass. Base level. Community folder is here - “E:\WpSystem\S-1-5-21-2550299578-3968107627-128436970-1001\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Packages\Community”
Your folders are dropped in there, as shown in image below…
Are they compatible with the latest updates? Do I need to take the contents of the folders out of the folders and put them directly into the community folder?
Thanks in advance :+1: