Effect of haze in the atmosphere

Currently descending over Chili with live weather…

That pic shows precisely what we need. The days in the game look too “clean” sometimes. We need those kinds of clouds and haze.

Im also hoping a future update will fix the “cauliflower” look of the MSFS clouds.

Foe me personally the best clouds I have seen in a home sim is in the latest version of DCS.


Here’s already a discussion on this one under wishlist. I think it’s beneficial to cross-post

With rain, I feel, sometimes it seems overdone in Live Weather.

Was landing at Mumbai/VABB over the weekend with heavy rain, which was accurate representation of weather itself. Although the ATC said visibility was 3 KM, it was less than 500 m and I had to use autoland as the runway wasn’t visible till the last few seconds before touchdown.

But I bet it made for fun flying none the less :wink:

Please be aware, if not already, that the visibility information on your METAR report is based upon a vertical visibility (looking alongside the trajectory of rain) rather than a horizontal. It tells pilot from what vertical distance the ground should be more or less visible. This is fairly well simulated but you see it better from outside than from your cockpit seat.

there wiil be a weather update somewhere along the line, so we just gotta wait.
and yes its weird they didnt include a visibility slider.

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