Just a few minutes after take off, radio turns off and message reads "Electrical System must be turned on, " Anyone know how to fix this. This has only recently started as has been ok for months.
Thank you.
What plane are you using?
The ones that came with fs2020
You mean all of them?
Feels like you have to search for key bindings, related to your onboard electrics.
Yes. tried using Master Battery and Alternator " shift + M " but that didn’t work.
If you are using a prop plane, don’t forget to turn off the starters.
If left on, the batteries will drain and the electrics will shut down.
This has only happened since the last MSFS 2020 compulsory update.
@ SilverFox2630:
A few questions for you to help the community to try to narrow down the scope of the problem:
When you say “radio”, is this just COM1 & COM2, or does it include the NAV radios, and / or do all avionics turn off (for aircraft with glass panels, all panels would go dark)?
Does this happen with all types of flights: Free flights, challenges, discover flights, etc., or just one?
Do you have any assisted piloting options turned on, such as Assisted Takeoff or
Assisted Checklist?
Does this still happen if your community folder is empty?
Do you use custom mouse, keyboard or controller (e.g. joystick) profiles?
The “Electrical System must be turned on” notification would suggest that you have one or more of the Assistance Notification settings enabled (I’m guessing Aircraft System) - is this correct?
Hi and thanks for your questions, will answer as best I can but being 76 yo, I’m not to up on tech stuff.
Radio, only coms 1 used no other.
Only use free flights.
When problem starts, no power so under carriage doesn’t deploy.
Nothing in community folder, haven’t installed any other aircraft.
Controls for keyboard, mouse, T.A320 Pilot, and TCAQ- Eng 1 + 2 are just FSFM 2020 default.
As to aircraft system Assistance Notification have no idea about that.
Only use small Ga aircraft, Robin, Cessna, Beech etc.
Hope that throws some light on the problem. Thanks for your help.
This has only happened in the last couple of weeks, all OK before Christmas.
On the initial opening screen, near the top center is the command for options.
Clicking on that will bring up a choice of four options.
One of those is Assistance Options.
In there is Assisted Checklist.
If that is on, when you are in the aircraft, from the handlebar icon select the big checkmark.
Make sure “auto complete” is selected so that all the necessary switches and controls are set up by your AI copliot.
Let us know how you make out!
Ok will try that thanks.
Do you have anything to do with the electrical system bound to a controller? Like generator or battery?
Have checked and every this is " on " can’t find co-pilot. Problem is still there.
The AI copilot is the Artificial Intelligence Copilot.
You don’t see them.
When you are in the sim click the checkmark and confirm that all the proper checklists are finished.
If you have it selected in Assistance Options, the AI Copilot should have checked each item off.
Not that I’m aware other than MSFS defaults.
Have look at this thread: Eletric System Suddenly Shut down
Are you seeing the same or similar behavior?
That seems to be the case. As I’m not too up on comp set ups, will have to try and work out how to change all that. Any idea on how I could go about it? thx.
I have no idea as to which solution suggested was the one that cured the problem as I had tried all before running the programme but something did work. Have done a couple of circuits with various aircraft at 2 locations and now all seems good. Many thanks to all that gave suggestions. Thanks one and all.
You’re welcome! Sometimes it can take a while, but the community usually finds a solution eventually
Thank you, stay safe, stay well.