Tried months ago… No answer…
Just to test also the “oculus” way as Baracus250 pointed, I’ve unplugged the oculus and deleted its drivers, I then restarted the PC, first time msfs didn’t started at all, second time started with no issues (flown just 10 minutes then I ended the flight). Third time it CTD in less than 30 seconds after flight start (one of the most common CTDs I usually have).
Actually I’m only with few active addons (I don’t want to reactivate everytime them if I remove from community) while all the others are disabled with addon linker.
Actually installed addons are:
Aerosoft CRJ
FBW A320 (dev)
HPG H145
PMS50 GTN750
Rex accuseason
All others (excluding the store addons in the official folder) are all removed.