wonder why you not simple link your own topic instead to write a post with no helpfull content.
I will not fill any info, already did in the past.
THE CTD IS NOT RELATED TO THE COMMUNITY (crashes even in safe mode)
The CTD behaviour is completely random and depending on the day, it may happen or not.
It may crash on sim loading;
On sim world map;
It may hungs on flight loading (need to be ended by task manager, since a week ago it happens everyday);
It may crash few seconds after loading the flight, or after few minutes.
It may crash on multiplayer.
Today crashed 5 times, maximum p…
with the A32NX
Mods… as mentioned is these is one of the possible reasons
As same here: Endless CTD... Please fix CTDs before doing anything else - #9 by AndrewDavix79
FBW A320 (dev)
Related to:
to Dublin
We have e.g. two topics about Dublin
one where users get CTD with the Third-Party-Add-On ( and a possible fix ):
Thank you using the Bug section, using templates provided will greatly help the team reproducing the issue and ease the process of fixing it.
Are you using Developer Mode or made changes in it?
Brief description of the issue:
Start a flight from EIDW (Payware) from the store will cause a CTD
Provide Screenshot(s)/video(s) of the issue encountered:
Detailed steps to reproduce the issue encountered:
Load a flight from the menu into this airport airport
PC specs and/or…
and a more generall
Are you on Xbox, Steam or Microsoft Store version? Microsoft Store
Are you using Developer Mode or made changes in it? No
Brief description of the issue: I’ve tried some flights from and to Dublin EIDW airport and everytime I end up with a CTD or freezing. If I try to depart from EIDW, MSFS freezes and CTDs when loading the flight. If I try to land in EIDW, MSFS freezes and CTDs as I am 400 feet from ground. I’ve flown in the past months in EIDW without problems. I’ve tried to empty my Communi…
I assume its something with a garmin replacement mod or just a third-party-addon.
( in special these working-title replacements seem to create additional folders in “packages” which needs manualy removed ).