Endless unfinished Sim

After more than 30 years of playing the game, I am starting to question Asobo´s real capacity of handle it, and the future of this wonderful release.

It doesn´t make sense to me to do a major upgrade SU5 with “minors” new problems that were originally ok, as the jetways behavior, or that giant building at frankfurt, or the night lights problem, etc.

On the other hand, poor attention to third-party developers results in few new airliners, planes without doors, weather without inaccurate information and the unable to chose weather stations as we can in FSX, thunders, and lighting everywhere and all this is put in an endless row on a list where we can see that maybe those topics that achiveD more votes might be solved in the following YEARS!!!

YES this release changes the way we play because now we and enjoy real earth scenery… but against a terrible user experience. To see the world from above, we can use google earth. So ATC, GSE, weather, airplanes open doors etc are an essential part of the game that seems to be in second place while adding churches and buildings to some places, has become the center of attention from Asobo and Microsoft.

It looks like if only one team made by a very few people is “working”, while other essential topics remain stock in the middle of now where.

I believe at some point, we will start going back to P3d, or painful Xplane, as remaining in MSFS become the most painful experience while we see how every update comes with few advances and a lot of losses.



They just need to stabilize the code and finish the SDK. I have far more faith in the modding community.


I hope you are right as it´s all ready passed one year… and counting.

Xplane, never recovers from its endless updating process.

I had 4 crashes on XPlane in 3 years. MSFS crashes 4 times within a couple of hours.


On the other hand, my plane itself crashed several times in XP.
FS is as safe as a ball pit. :rofl:

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That’s Agile development for you. Fail fast :grinning:


I’m not 100% happy with the current state of the simulation but I have to keep reminding myself that such an implementation on a sim is unprecedented and it is a 10 year project (we are only 1 year into it) so in the next 9 years, I’m sure there will be ups and downs. Ultimately, I am grateful for Asobo and MS for releasing such a technological marvel.


Well as say said it will be an exiting 10 years Journey…then the beta is over :=)


You didn’t beta test the Vulkan builds then. :wink:

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Thats not the point.

I understand the need of updating periodically, what I am saying is the decision tree that its being used to establish priorities.

The looooong awaited SU5 left errors where they shouldn´t be. The basic functionalities all ready mention are delayed one and another and another SU… as is only was single team working.

And more… they go on vacations because it´s August really??? What kind of company is Asobo? a regional or a world class company managing one of the most important games on earth?

I believe Microsoft made a bad decision about the developer. It should be in the US.

Because different king of opinions are what they enrich any project.

We all want MSFS, but this forums are just about helping the decision makers understand where the community wants to go.

That´s why we use this forums, and so you!

Sounds to me like you should probably just go back to Xplane. I would certainly reduce the riff raff and endless troll threads on this forum.


Or developing a whole new sim that has no bugs, a simple update system that automatically pushes fixes through even while you are flying in your level D quality cockpit through absolutely photo real 3d scenery.

Given the level of expertise on this forum I expect this would only take a week or so to develop.


And the base country of the primary developer matters how? :thinking:

This should win “Post of the Day!” :grin:


Business matters, that all it matters

Addressing the title of this post, no piece of software is ever truly “finished”. There are always updates and enhancements up until the time the developer decides to end the project.

Could you rephrase that so that it makes any sense, please? :thinking:

That’s funny that you mention churches: there was a lively discusssion about why churches and chapels etc. weren’t provided with the WU 6:

Seems like priorities are different for people :wink:

Btw I am having a great experience with FS 2020, both with flying and being in awe with the (Swiss) scenery…

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Are you serious? Everyone in my team who has a school aged kid went on vacation in August for a week, and that’s basically half of my team. Same went with all my business partners. August is a slow month in US as well.