Enhancing the basic scenery for the low flyers

MSFS is all about VFR, right :wink: ?

The vanilla sceney is great but has its shortcomings. We are fortunate enough to have a busy freeware community working on them. I love the Cabri and I am glad to have powerlines to be careful of for instance or chimneys to guide my flights, etc.

Some freeware packages would deserve to be included in the basic packages for all to enjoy including the Xbox simmers too.

I am thinking of the powerlines, marinas and gondolas packages from @mamuDesign and the "We love VFR regions " 1, 2 &3 from @PuffinFlight !

I am sure that these guys would be thrilled to work with Asobo. !

Don’t forget projetcs lift europe.


Absolutely. This would be a great idea and enhance the standard sim immensely.
These guys (@mamuDesign and @PuffinFlight) have done a superb job.


Thanks for the heads up

Btw, the mentioned mods are known to be loved by several thousands of users in the world, the nr. of download on .to is a confirmation (And let’s not forget GAIST)

The chart :chart_with_upwards_trend: in this 3d is another confirmation

And, while the PC world has an opportunity to enjoy them,
Xbox user can’t, and that’s really a pity

The mods themselves are fulfilling some lifetime long wishlist item too (still marked as planned, and has been 3 years since the sim is born)


Mine and Puffin’s application to the Marketplace (the only way to reach Xbox users) is roughly 750 days old, that is more than two years

Hope to have the opportunity to enhance the overall user experience, sharing all together a better world :earth_americas: