Era plane = modern pilots, what a shame!

Sorry but I see that you will do again and again the same BUG which drives me crazy.
How is possible that you do era (historical) plane with Modern 3D Pilots!? The same it was before (like Dornier J), now SM.55 incoming and what I see? Modern pilots also! Its a shame.

How is possible? This completely and again prevents me from buying.

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How is it possible someone would come to these forums and complain about something they did not make.

prediction, moved to third party aircraft


Moved to #third-party-addon-discussion:aircraft because this is a addon

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The pilot avatars in Asobo aircraft are typically the ones you have chosen (or neglected to choose in options). They remain the same until you select the ones you would prefer.

I didn’t purchase the last two Legendary aircraft. And although I don’t plan on purchasing this aircraft, it would indeed be a surprise if Asobo switched to the Carenado fixed method of pilot avatars.

Maybe try to select the avatars with commercial pilot uniforms. Airline pilot uniforms have basically looked the same or similar from the earliest days of commercial transport.

I’d bet that since there is a windshield, Amilia Earhart might have flown in that cockpit without a pilot cap and goggles too…just her aviator sunglasses.

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Being able to use my usual pilot avatars is a big plus for me.
I don’t like it very much when the Developer decides to use some other pilot avatars.

I do however think they could have a character editor for the pilot avatars like many videogames have it nowadays. The chocies of avatars are very limited in MSFS.


This is about the next local legend made by MS/Asobo.


It depends on what you want / expect the SIMULATOR to be simulating …

(1) Flying today, in an Historic plane, with a pilot representing what a pilot looks like today…


(2) Flying the same plane, back in the days when it was in production, with Pilots dressed and looking like the pilot of the day.

Also, consider what WEATHER you are flying under . REAL (current weather), or some simulated historic weather profile.

Then, what is the scenery, current or Historic, what are the Navaids, airports and charts – Current or Historic. ?

Since most of the above are CURRENT, it seems reasonable to assume that in most cases, it is a Historic Plane, flying in Modern times, so yes, the Pilots will look MODERN as well.

And who really would determine what plane they purchase and fly , based on the images of the Pilots !!!

BTW: This ignores the “sensitive” subject and discussion about the very limited and “generic” looking pilots, currently available in MSFS.
Maybe about time there were some more diverse pilot images, to go along with the new , more diverse Azure voices.

That’s a MOD I would consider “BUYING”, especially if I could easily import facial images, and have them mapped onto a 3D Pilots.


For me, the sim is simulating the modern world so I prefer the pilot to be representative of that. I would like to buy some of the more historic aircraft but none of them have the feel of old aircraft operating today.

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There’s a mod on I think that replaces the pilots head with yours - that do?

For sure historics flight. If You can check that you will see that the model has two kind of cockpits, old (only classics gauges) and modern (for modern flights) - who cares - but for old kind of models they must to have pilot from this era, this time from 1920 for example.

LOL :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:, did you be on any air show in your life? Did you see any oldtimer/vintage plane with REAL modern dressed pilot?

This is current air show for example if you havent knowladge about it and its a good example how vintages look Today:

Hi, good idea (if its present) any link? Thank You.

I think the best option could be if Asobo will do more avatars - pilots from few periods.

The last Local Legend - Dordnier Do J with guy with baseball cap looks like tragedy. The second example - Bee Gee (the last Local Legend, done by Carenado has era pilot, so its possible).

Managed to find it.

Its a face only not a suit.

Choose the default pilot as the one with the brown leather jacket and add your face to him/her. Authentic as it could get without modelling a pilot yourself.

The Top Gun DLC might include a full military jump suit if that’s what you’re after.

Oh don’t worry, I’ve been to loads of airshows. WW1 pilots down here wear nomex with an Irvine over the top and a Cambell bone dome. WW2 pilots are modern nomex and various types of helmets. Nobody flying WW2 aeroplanes wear period gear. Virtually all historic aeroplanes here at least have modern radios and a transponder so that you can actually fly them around. That’s what I’d like in a sim simulating the modern world.


I see that the base sim (or at least the edition I have) has added two new pilot avatars in jet fighter gear. Kinda funny to see a fighter pilot in helmet and oxygen mask flying a bush plane.

But in 1920 all those highways on the ground weren’t there. As were the buildings. And the cars. And the boats. And the live traffic around you…

Did I GTA this?


There are bigger problems in the sim than pilot avatars.

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