Era plane = modern pilots, what a shame!

:rofl: LOL, this is what I am writing about. This destroys the immersion completely.
Maveric incoming (DLC), so Tom will have baseball cap too? :pray:t5:

F-18 Service Buddies pilot character mod » Microsoft Flight Simulator selfless plug but my Tom will not have a baseball cap :yum:

On Xbox so no modding :neutral_face:

I simply remove all avatars, because they just get in the way of me panning from one side of the cockpit to the other looking out of all windows at the beautiful scenery below, like an excited tail wagging dog on a car ride.:rofl::joy:

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Hey all, I’ve just created a wishlist item for this. I know I’m not allowed to pander for votes, but just linking it because it’s being discussed here. Vintage pilot/copilot avatar presets - Community Support / Wishlist - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums


The FlyingIron Spitfire is warbirdified by default with modern civilian transponder and com radio if that’s what you mean. There’s also option to fit GNS430 in lieu of gunsight (which technically adds nav radio also, but there is no HSI or CDI to use it with) and toggle to turn off the gun fairings for more civilian appearance. I presume the P-38 is similar, as will be the upcoming Hellcat.

Exactly how it should be done in my opinion. At least provide option for modern civilian fit. Ditto for military aircraft, the Just Flight Hawk especially could use option for civilianized avionics for it’s price point. Would make more sense here than awkward workaround around TACAN which MSFS does not support and IFF system I don’t really use except as fancy transponder.

Thank You! Voted.

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Xbox user here. They added military jet pilots. They’re at the back of the selection lineup.

Problem is, the fighter pilots will show up your civilian rides as well.

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Well the sim in general must we working pretty well if we’re down to complaining about what the AI pilots are wearing! Meanwhile the important stuff like the roof of my local pub being the wrong colour has not been addressed! :wink:

Didn’t know that about the Spitfire, I’ll add that to the list of things I want. Thanks. I also felt the same about the Hawk.

The P-38 has a modern radio in the exact place (with similar size and shape) as the original selector box (preset frequencies selected by a row of push-buttons). Other than that, it’s pretty much like the original. The gun charger is missing and the radio unit itself isn’t behind the pilot seat any more, but that’s no biggie.

And yes, you can use the in-cockpit tablet to choose between the MSFS pilot or the same WWII guy from the FlyingIron Spitfire.