Eurofighter Typhoon now available

How do you ask for a refund? I hate this download, too.

How do you delete it?

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Log in to steam support (Steam Support) and follow the links to your purchases . You can request a refund from there.
Don’t delete it until you have a decision as I believe you cant re-install it later when upgrades/improvements might happen?
This raises the suspicion that Microsoft / Steam are not doing enough on quality control. This Eurofighter is just rubbish and a money grab.

I have the MS Game Store version. I just went in to content manger and deleted it there.
I just hope there is enough feedback to MS and it gets removed, with refunds.
It now just shows as not downloaded now.

They just refused a refund. So its onto the forum to spread the word about this scam.

You can’t get refunds on digital add-ons for flight simulators.

This isn’t a scam. Just a bad product.

Downloaded it this morning and i’m loving it so far! I feel it’s better than the DCS F-15

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Thought I must have this aircraft. Looked at the liveries available… where are the RAF squadron colours?
At the very least you would expect the countries (BAE Systems) involved in the manufacture of this brilliant aircraft to have the appropriate livery… yuk.
Is it because the UK has said goodbye to continental Europe?

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When are we going to get some real squadron markings? I cant paint for squat and I dont mean to diss designers and modellers but the RAF on in this is, well… c*ap. I see the ones for the FSX version and would love some of them. Living near where its built in England I would love to a version of one of the Tartan test aircraft or the visitors from Conningsby and do test runs over the Isle of Man for fun why the kettle is boiling for my umpteenth cup of coffee. Does anyone out there know where to get some textures from? I have a year before I retire so I can then learn how to do the painting of these models when I do but groups on FB and aviation groups I’m in say its complicated and 9 times out of 10 one side of the aircraft is the reverse of the other one and it spoils it. I want to contribute but havent the time presently so I have to rely on others who do their best.

Bello…sono un pò indeciso se acquistarlo o no…come si comporta in volo ??? mi fa storcere il naso l’animazione del carrello di atterraggio anteriore… rimane sempre storto !!! :slight_smile:

non è così facile da pilotare ma è perché sono nuovo. Se avessi potuto scegliere tra questo e il Fiat G90 avrei scelto quello. L’eurofighter ha bisogno di qualche lavoro su di esso

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English, please.


You could do like me … Google translate !!! Not all the world speaks English …

The official Forum Rules specify English as the language here.


Alla fine ho acquistato il G 91…mooolto meglio rispetto all’eurofighter

Let me show what you are flying:


Yes I understand…

Got to agree with you about the lack of an RAF Squadron livery. There’s the RAF centenary one in the Battle of Britain Spitfire/Hurricane scheme but a modern active squadron livery would be good. My artistic skills are lamentable otherwise I’d have had a go. I’m sure some talented folks will provide one soon.

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Before buying this plane look at the reviews on the Forum. The landing gear is a disaster!

This is one of the many flaws of this Jet.