Eurofighter Typhoon now available

New updated Typhoon is awesome comes with liveries and afterburners.
Best jet aircraft so far.

Awesome jet. New update has afterburners and liveries.

To me, it simply can’t beat MB-339. Because that one is done properly, it has an authentic cockpit, and the Typhoon is a Frankenstein of various Garmin and Airbus avionics. And it has nothing to do with how the real Typhoon operates.


What matters is the entertainment value it brings to the one who decides to purchase it no matter how Frankenstein it may be.


Fantastic plane. Just did a trip from Gatwick to UUEE Moscow with speeds of Mach 2.111 and 1.9 most of the way took just over an hour. Programmed the flight plan in the MCDU from simbrief autopilot most of the way. Well worth the money.

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The FPS performance is horrible, in cockpit and outside, hope they doing some optimisation.

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yes going that fast fps dropped big time but rendering scenery that quick would not be easy to do

Part of the issue is they stuffed it with a ton of useless screens like that Garmin in the center.

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A great fun to fly this plane :hugs:

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I bought this plane but are not very good flying it. Its fun to play around with it, but seriously to much plane for me. So it was a imrpressive show you made in this video. Clearly you know what you are doing. I gues the plane is saying to me, its not me but you. :smiley:

Hi, it is maybe also a matter of the joystick setting. Try to lower the sensitivity in the range from center to half of the travel. That allows you to be very precise. Fast rolls with full joystick movement is just a thing in terms of timing. Try it from time to time, you will notice that you will get a good feeling very quickly :wink:
Anyhow, compared to the Extra or Pitts the Eurofighter is much easier to handle, because with this two planes I’m not able to fly that stable.

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Thought I’d give this a go so got it a few days back. It’s not a bad effort but from a performance point of view its a bad combination of glass cockpit plus being a high speed fighter jet mean its got terrible FPS. Its not a good combination. Plus the model of the aircraft itself is a bit low res and lacking in detail.

Its clearly a work in progress so hopefully it’ll be refined. Its got a lot of potential.


This is a terrible mod - nothing works so I cannot even make the plane move faster - throttle does not respond-any help would be great!


When I take off and pull back on the joystick nothing happens and I crash!

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Controls seem to be inverted even though the canards doesn’t reflect it. I think a recent update screwed the flight model. I was able to get it airborne by pushing forward on the stick gently and using a lot of runway. Also trimming the nose up helps

I recently purchased this (luckily was only £16). Flew for about 10 mins and then deleted it.
What a pile of :poop:. How MS let this through into the market place is beyond me.
Poor textures, poor modeling, poor handling, instruments that don’t belong in the aircraft. Awful.
There are developers out there that are giving away 1000% better aircraft FOR FREE!
If you’ve not purchase this yet, don’t. If you have, good luck!


The garmin kills me every time :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

Bought it and have now asked for a refund. Too much stuff does not work and the landing gear will not raise.