After much trial and error, I’ve worked out what has been causing CTDs for me.
I find that if I load in certain 3rd-party applications at launch via the exe.xml, then I will CTD, usually after pressing Fly from the World Map while the flight is loading.
Specifically, I’ve found Spad.NeXt and BetterBravoLights being problematic. FSUIPC7, FSRealistic or AFCBridge don’t seem to have the same issue.
I’m using the latest version, and flying the experimental version of FBW A32NX, however the issue was there on previous version and with other planes.
If the problematic applications are loaded manually / separately from the sim (i.e. not via the exe.xml), then there are no issues with CTDs.
FWIW, my noob theory is applications loaded via exe.xml run in the same thread as MSFS - evidenced by Steam thinking MSFS is still running after a CTD until any autoloaded TPAs are ended - and hence cause corruption and issues. It might be worth considering whether to run any 3rd party apps via the exe.xml, or run all 3rd party apps manually. If you construct a batch file to run all the various TPAs, then it’s quite an easy operation.
I hope this is of some help. I’d welcome any comments or questions.
That is an interesting observation.
Besides of CTDs, is there any difference in performance in-game?
I do not have any problems with,
but I always launch it manually/with a .bat file.
FSUIPC and AFC_Bridge is handled with exe.xml though. Did not see any issues there, as you said.
I haven’t really noticed any particular difference in performance. I’m not a FPS devotee - if the sim’s running fine, I try not to worry if my FPS is 35 or 95; it’s one less thing to obsess about. My system’s pretty high-end with 5900X and 3080Ti.
I don’t care about MSFS performance either, as long as it is smooth. Saidly, I am unable to fly to EGLC(severe stutters) after having the sim running for 45min. Thought if exe.xml programs would really run in the same thread (as you suggested), there could be a noticeable performance impact. Hence my question.
It probably makes no performance wise difference, but since I already have a script that automatically starts all applications that I create a shortcut for, I’ll just deactivate exe.xml in the future, if CTD chance can be reduced(don’t have any CTDs currently).
I would slightly disagree with your decision to move it to #self-service:pc-hardware. The reason I put this on the forums was to bring the issue to the attention of someone in MS/Asobo who might care to look into it and possibly, if they’re able to replicate the issue, resolve it? It’s clearly, imo, a bug with the way MSFS functions in relation to TPAs launched via the exe.xml file. It does also serve as a useful pointer to others suffering from the same CTD issue.
If you think it’s best buried in #self-service:pc-hardware, ok. Just worried there’s no chance of it getting any attention from devs if you do…
It’s still not clear to me if Asobo Devs read theses forum or not, and if they ever did, I would not be surprised if they stopped reading, after reading all the rudeness & hostility towards them, posted on this forum. (Hopefully, they have better things to do ? )
Anyway, the formal way to bring things to the attention of Asobo Devs is via Zendesk
(unless I am mistaken, and the Zendesk submissions are 1st filtered by MS )