Unofficial Reference Guide to CTD Solutions

Hello everyone.
This is an unofficial list of references to CTD solutions with the purpose of collecting the most helpful solutions that are scattered in the forums or are found by users, as I would hate it if such valuable information got lost.
This topic is a Work In Progress and if this topic does not work out, or becomes irrelevant, it may be removed in the future.


To keep this topic organized, I would kindly ask you to please only comment/reply to this topic with either:

  • a link to an unlisted solution.

  • a detailed solution description you found yourself, so that it may be added to this list.

  • a short post indicating which solution worked for you.

  • a post indicating that a solution is either no longer valid or may cause noteworthy risks/issues/side effects if applied.

In particular, please leave comments like: „users should not be responsible to fix CTDs“ or „Asobos developers should fix this problem immediately“ somewhere else, as such comments commonly lead to discussion and would clutter this topic with unuseful information. If you see such a comment, please do not reply and consider flagging the comment as off-topic.

If you experience issues and the solutions here do not help you, please post in other relevant existing CTD threads or if necessary create a new CTD topic, for bug reporting and assistance requests. If you find a solution, please consider replying to this thread, so others can benefit.

Finally a thank you to all contributers.


PC & Xbox solutions:
0.0 Zendesk Crashing CTDs issues
0.1 Zendesk known issues
0.2 Zendesk support recommendation (SU5)
0.3 Zendesk all troubleshooting guides

PC solutions only:
233847 Walkthrough avoiding ctds (community troubleshooting guide)


444238 CTD after update
429520 Turn off AI traffic and nameplates
130085/5311 Turn live weather off
130085/5574 Reset all keybindings
441529 Reset audio settings
470438 Reset MSFS cloud data
442185 Add on linker
358628 Pagefile size
395789 Missing pagefile
334962 0x80000003 → pagefile or 367897 this
130085/1965 0x80000003 → driver update
390995 Almost full drive
445110 Convert exFat to NTFS
452538 Capture One
470916 Audio driver/hardware near software
442083 .Net core framework
431889 HAGS or .Net
441592 Nvidia screen capture
348207 in-game v-sync (potential performance loss!)
388406 Community folder not empty/ liveries installed
431527 Nvidia setting and driver version or 449394 this
455691 Nvidia debug mode
331911 AMD driver timeout
378830 Missing language pack
282497 vcruntime140.dll
455626 Loose pc cable or 462568 Single GPU power cable
382510 Reset BIOS/ remove OC
442117/5 Thermal throttled GPU on long flight
265544 Kill explorer.exe
428445 True MSFS clean install

CTD at initial loading screen:

361517 No CTD without internet → Reiinstall
356188 Steam Cloud Save and 386252/5 No CTD without internet → try this
412627 Only launching offline works
368435 Sound peripheral
376886 Sound devices
443062 0xc0000005 → proper MSFS reinstall
499120 Corrupt exe.xml

CTD at second loading screen before "Ready to Fly" can be pressed:

425295 Remove \AppData\Local\FlightSimulator folder

CTD when "Ready to Fly" is pressed, or shortly after:

474655 Peripheral bindings
496362 Disable exe.xml
442117/20 Next/prev pilot position camera setting

CTD somewhere else:

442959 Large community folder

Thank you to everyone that contributed to this list.


Discord causes MSFS to crash ? What on earth is it doing ?

Given the number of simmers who use both this strikes me as very unlikely.

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I got this from Zendesk for CTD solutions:

  1. Reduced Graphics on Ultra or High
  • SOLUTION: Go to Options > General Options > Graphics > Change your Global Rendering settingsto Low > click Apply & Save. Change the graphics to Ultra or High again >click Apply & Save.
  1. Unable to interact with cockpit
  • SOLUTION: Go to Options > General Options > Accessibility > change Cockpit Interaction mode to"Legacy".
  1. CTD with FlyByWire’s A32NX free mod
  • SOLUTION: Go to your Profile > Content Manager > Search for FlyByWire’s A32NX in the searchbar. Once found, click it and press ‘Delete’ to uninstall it. It will now show up as Uninstalled in yourContent Manager.
  1. Crashing when flying with AI traffic:
  • SOLUTION: Set AI Traffic settings off by going to General > Traffic > Aircraft Traffic Type > OFF.

I was seeing a CTD on longer flights, almost exactly the same amount of time every flight.

For me, I was able to discover that my video card was getting thermally throttled (where the video card gets so hot it starts turning down the frequency of the GPU to cool off, the GPU cannot keep up with the graphics) and it would cause a CTD.

I needed to:

  1. Open my computer
  2. Remove the heatsink from my video card
  3. Clean my heatsink, removing any dust/debris/cat hair
  4. Replace the thermal paste with some “high quality” (definition varies from person to person) thermal paste – my previous thermal paste was completely hard and dried out
  5. Put back on heatsink and close up computer

Then I was able to return to the game and no longer get thermally throttled. I haven’t had a CTD since then.


Thanks to some members here I was able to fix my CTD. My external ssd that I was running my games off of needed to be reformatted after the su5 update from exFat to NTFS. It seems something changed with the update that caused CTD with the exFat format. I copied my files to my hdd and then formatted the ssd to NTFS and copied the files back over and boom CTD is gone. I have 5 flights so far no CTD at all and running 40fps on ultra settings with everything on including live traffic, weather and multiplayer. So far no issues.


I was getting random CTDs during loading, beginning of flight, middle of flight. Just all over the place. Downloaded OCCT and ran a few tests. PC would freeze on CPU and PSU test. MSFS was the only software that would crash. I do a lot of racing as well and not 1 title would crash. I decided to reset my bios back to default. I had a slight overclock and probably changed some other things I forgot about. Did 2 flights in VR about 5 hours total, not 1 CTD.

If you tinkered with your bios, might be a good idea to reset to default and test.


Cockpit screens out and CTD while I was live on twitch while ago Xbox series s hopefully they fixed it soon

I’m on Xbox series s cockpit screens going out and Sim crasheding hopefully they fixed it soon

My impression is that Asobo, and any other company with similar issues, try to “blame” something other than their product.

So, you will get a response from said company to try non-product things… Like, stop overclocking, remove other software, clean your cache, reinstall your operating system, unplug your toaster, check your car oil, call your mom, and everything else to see if that fixes the issues.

Doesn’t matter that another product works just fine, and any issues appears only with said product.

This, MSFS 2020, reminds me of decades past how companies create next generation software products that push the limits of the hardware. Yes, mostly games, but yes, this drive developers to create the necessary components and consumers tend to acquire new hardware to achieve maximum results from the “game”…

Anyway, some issues could actually be the hardware because MSFS has a very high demand for hardware.


I haven’t played this for a while as I’m busy playing Far Cry 6. Anyway, I was getting lots of CTDs and some scenarios I couldn’t complete due to it. Anyway, I got an App called GPU Tweak III and ran it and selected the tab to run in silent mode now all my CTDs have gone now perhaps this is worth a try here. Also, my GPU fan is no longer revving up and down. GPU TWEAK III this is an Asus-free product and will work on any card Nvidia or AMD.


This is a known issue with Discord. See Richard Stallman’s blog on the risks of running closed source software like Discord that tracks your processes and requires you to link yourself to a phone number.

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I’ve played the sim over 1000 hrs in flight and tried so many things to eliminate “CTDs” opened tickets, change drivers - removed, reinstalled - just about everything but I always had maybe 1 or two CTDs per evening session to make it seem “normal” to me.

I’m now an entire week into playing 20+hour sessions while live streaming to be almost certain Discord, with all it’s audio and video features, overlays and hardware usage disabled - was the cause. I now use Discord in one of two ways - in a VM or in a sandboxed environment.

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I am getting CTD randomly every time I use the thrustmaster airbus sidestick and throttle quadrant. Whenever I don’t use this I don’t get CTD. Why is this device causing CTD???

You might want to try deleting any profiles that you might have made for your sidestick and throttle quadrant using the preset manager, and revert to default.
I had continually CTD after SU6 that took me a month to solve and it was all caused by a throttle profile for my Warthog, that must have been corrupted somehow during that update.
Simple in the end but did it cause me some trouble.
Good luck.

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Geforce exp no more works

My I experience with (as it seems) eliminating of CTDs.

I stabilized my RAM and since then (cca. two weeks from 4.12.2021) I had zero CTDs. Look into your system stability, RAM, GPU, CPU. Try not to OC if you are not 99,9% sure it is stable. Stable also means it does not cause any errors not only it doesn’t crash your PC.

Please report back your findings.

What do you mean by that?

I’ve put the right fine tuned voltages in parameters for my particular RAM sticks which I overclocked, beside other system settings in BIOS.

In short: stabilize your system as much as you can !!

I have not seen a single CTD for weeks now.

P.S.: I will report as soon as I get one. I hope I won’t have to.

I have installed NVIDIA driver 497.29 and turned Game Mode ON → This led to CTD at MSFS start up. Reverting back to Game Mode OFF.



Hi, since SU7 there’s a CTD issue related to the freelook mode. When in freelook using “next pilot position” the sim crashes to desktop. My workaround is to save custom cameras for each camera I use and never touch the next/prev pilot position. Indeed I even cleared these inputs from my profiles to not accidentally hit them.

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This may be a long shot. I have been playing Far Cry 6 and Halo Infinite (sorry guys I have not played FS for some time) and was getting CTDs with them. In Event Viewer, the error message was Display Driver nvlddmkm stopped responding and has successfully recovered. After trying different drivers with no success I eventually took my graphics card out, gave it a clean where there wasn’t much dust on it had only been in a year on a new build. Anyway, I plugged it in and connected the power cable from the card to the motherboard and my CTDs have gone, or if I do get one that error message isn’t displayed. So it seems to me I may have had a bad connection either where the card connects to the PCIe slot or the power cable connectors. I’m running an Intel i5 10600k CPU and an Asus GTX Strix 6 GB gaming card which I hope to upgrade to a 3060 or maybe a 3050 which is coming out at the end of the month.

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