Expert Series I: ATR 42-600 / 72-600

DCT is not a waypoint, it is an indicator you will be going direct-to a waypoint, not through an airway or sid/star. Input LGM to the line with the first f-pln discontinuity.

Unfortunately its one thing not modeled, its for transfer of paper work while on the ground, that other door opens as well
 also for pilots to keep cool on hot days
 some photos of them having their arm hanging put​:rofl::rofl:

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I am assuming that the CRS, probably for captain and FO sides, needs to be set to the direction of the arrival runway too?

Oh, that Cockpit interaction I suggested either didn’t work in the way that I remembered or the controls have been set up differently, but it might be that I can’t select the altitude knob, for example, without starting to turn it in one direction or another.

However, if you lock a knob on the a push of the left mouse button and unlock it when you release the left mouse button, you can set the knob turning and look at the display, letting go of the mouse button when it gets to the desired value.

Very useful indeed in VR.

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Full flight tonight using FMS, ILS approach and landing from EGPE to EGPF. All worked well including the ILS into runway 23.

For anybody who’s struggling entering the weight into the FMS you can convert to pounds which matches the tablet using the UNITS section of the FMS. You can then grab your empty weight from the tablet and add your fuel together via the weights and balance on the drop-down flight menu.

Only snag was I used reversed thrust after landing and it seemed to lock into position and took some fiddling to free it up. I think it’s bug logged but not sure. Apart from that it was enjoyable.

It’s a lot of plane for the money despite the bugs that need fixing and the flight model feels a bit light. In saying that, I like it.

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Quick question: where is the control column lock? I watched the cold/dark tutorial but didn’t see it mentioned and I cannot move the control column. cheers

I found I have to momentarily push the throttles forward and then pull back to idle for them to come out of reverse.


Gust lock is located here - it’s label “Gust lock”.

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The gust lock is in the middle of the throttle quadrant, yellow/black lever. It’s right in front of the power levers.

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About entering weights - you can just long press the LSK button next to the weight and it will auto fill for you if you don’t wanna pull down the wieghts dialog and enter it manually.



got it thanks

The gust lock is in front of your throttles.

Definitely not the case that they work in all other planes. Off the top of my head the CRJ and Fenix spring to mind.

I have a Axair Miap box that has encoders that register as button presses. It was about an hours effort to map the encoders and buttons to the various autopilot functions in Axis and Ohs. Yes it would be nice if these mapped to standard MSFS events out of the box, and it would also be nice if the LVARs were documented somewhere to avoid a lot of trial and error, but it’s definitely solvable and looking at the list of available LVARs there doesn’t appear to be anything that you can’t map to hardware.

Yes I found the same usually resolves it too. There is something strange going on there but it’s a minor issue with a workaround. The throttle itself is not quite right though, I do find on taxi I’m either fighting the speed or in reverse thrust.

Physical detents are the way to go. If your throttle will take them of course.

The insert I have in my TM Warthog throttle, for the Fenix A320, works fine. Notch aligns with CLB and Ramp with Flex. As for reverse, I have to pull back through the Idle detent.

It makes life a lot easier, especially in VR.

For you Air Manager guys that are flying the ATR, you’ll be happy to hear that the same fella who converted the FBW Panels over to the FENIX A320, is now working on the ATR panels.

The MCDU is working (partially) and uploaded.

If this is anything like his last work, updates will be fast and furious.

Keep up with the project and other Air Manager projects over at

Same here, a certain action in the cockpit causes the ATR to freeze and no button or switch works anymore as well as the EFB.
Usually a freeze within 5 minutes.

Hello everyone !
Can someone make these four liveries! We need it to discover Madagascar and the good smell of vanilla!

Thank you !

Ahh I didn’t know that, many thanks

So far my favourite thing about this aircraft is the working “all call” button.!

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Just a quick heads up to anyone using Simbrief and wanting to load the data into the ATR FMC.

The Aerosoft CRJ data format is NOT QUITE the same as the one the ATR uses which means that the Approach and anythin0g after it can’t be loaded into the flight plan.

The problem is the RwyArrFINAL value. The CRJ data format has a value like “RwyArrFINAL=I15” but the ATR expects a value like “RwyArrFINAL=ILS15” and when it gets the CRJ version it stops loading the data into the flight plan.
(Similarly the ATR is expecting RNVxx for an RNAV approach and LOCxx for a Localiser approach)

You can test this by manually creating a plan in the ATR FMC then using the same option on the Main menu to write it out the same directory you load the flight plan from.
You can then compare the contents of this file an equivalent CRJ file exported from simbrief.

This probably can’t be properly fixed till Navigraph create an ATR specific export option but until then it is easy to edit the CRJ files after export and change the Approach to the correct value